How do you keep pressing on in your job knowing it is not your future?
I was at work the other day, and it was one of those days where everything seems to put you in a state of mind that is not conducive to success. There are a few ideas that keep me going in a situation like that.
1. I know that this job is a stepping stone to other opportunities.
2. This job is only temporary, as long as I keep building my home business.
3. Success is a state of mind. If you asked 1,000 wise men what success is, each would come up with a different definition. If this is the case, and I did the best I could do, did the necessary actions to grow my home based business, I can say, "I am a successs".
4. Life is a process, and success has a process also. In order to succeed, I must 'grow' through the process. KEY: EMBRACE THE PROCESS!
5. When it gets tough, and you get down, discipline yourself and your disappointments. If you are following the plan, using the tools you have found to grow your business, know that you will succeed, if you do not quit.
In closing, I leave you with this thought: In 'THINK AND GROW RICH', Napolean Hill interviewed some of the most successful men over a 25 year period. He was repeated told by many successful men that they had achieved their greatest success, right after their biggest failure! They attributed their ability to "stick to it" as their greatest asset. The Principle here is PERSERVERANCE. This one characteristic will overcome many a obstacle. While many quit after a devastating failure, the successful man knows he will succeed if he persists. That's the way I press on in the face of life.
If you would like to learn how to grow your business on the internet, with no money, without talking to anyone on the phone, from home click the above title. Thank you for your time.
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