Wednesday, March 5, 2008

All you can do, is all you can do but.......

All you can do is all you can do but, all you can do is enough.
This title is the perfect quote for someone who is lacking faith. It was a perfect topic at my mastermind group. We spoke of fear, once again. How do you adopt the philosophy, that will keep you pressing on toward the goal?
It really is simple. Or, should I say it is easy to do, but easy not to do. That is a phrase that I borrowed from a book called, "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. That is the just of my article today. You can get all the knowledge you need in your local library. Every piece of knowledge known to mankind, is contained in your local library. Thousands of years of lessons learned the hard way, are contained in books. But, guess what? How many people take advantage of the library? How many take advantage of our FREE public education system?
If there was a way for you to learn from the wisest men in the history of the world, would you sit in that classroom? Would you show up to class, everyday it was scheduled? You say yes, but what are you doing each day? You could read the equivalent of 10 books in a year, if you only read 10 PAGES per day! This is how simple it can be! Do you want more from life? Make it a habit to sit down at the feet of the greatest thinkers the world has ever known.
Make the committment to read 10 pages of a good book everyday for one year. Here are some very powerful books: Think & Grow Rich, How to Win Friends & Influence People, The Secret of the Ages, The Master Key System..........
Try these out for starters.

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