Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dead at the age of 15, Life is too Short

[Edit] Written by dionjm on
document.write(localTime('Dec 23, 2008 20:55 GMT'))
Dec-23-08 12:55pm
Hello everyone, this is a spur of the moment article I decided to write.
I just recently got a call from a family member about a youngster in our family. He was only 15 years, but he was committing crimes like he was in a burrough of Ney York.Long story short, this youngster died while trying to conduct an home invasion. The result is a dead man.

Now how can I take this incident and learn from it? The idea that immediately comes to mind is, 'life is to short'. I have already been moved in a positive way. I always knew that time is an illusion. We always think that we have more time. We have time to get back to spending time with the family. We can put off building our business, because we have more time.

This may be one of the most erroneous beliefs that we men carry. I say 'carry', because it is like carrying baggage. It slows you down! We procrastinate, and put off till' tomorrow what we can do today. Usually it is a small decision that we make, that seems like it will not matter.

But, the truth is, each time we choose to do one thing/think one thought, it has a tendancy to repeat itself. This is the nature of thought. Every thought has a tendancy to multiply and according to the law of attraction, attract other thoughts of like nature.

What does this mean?
Every thought and every action MATTERS!

Yes, you read right. It does matter. Every choice we make, has the ability to alter our destiny. At any given time, a thought, a choice and an action can change where you will end up 1 year from now. That is according to universal law.

You cannot escape the consequences of the choices you make, but you can make better choices.

But, when it is all said and done, it is not what you choose to do once that will really take you down a different road. It is the choices that you make consistently. It is the everyday choices that we make that make the biggest difference.

It is not the first cigarette that gets us in trouble, but the consistent choice to lite the cigarette over and over again, over the years.

It is not the first Big Mac that will lead to heart disease, but the consistent choice to eat a Big Mac for lunch everyday that gets you in trouble.

Here is an important fact to remember, Mind can only work according to patterns.You must consciously choose the patterns of thought you believe will take you to your CHOSEN DESTINY.

If you don't choose these patterns of thought, then the mind will take the path of least resistance. It will keep repeating the same old thoughts that have brought you where you are now. I am of course assuming that you wish to go somewhere other than where you are now.

How much time do you have to reach your Definite Major Purpose in life?
I will answer that one for you, You don't really know! Just like my 15 year old cousin.

How do you bring the passion and intensity to your life NOW?
First things first, become aware of the fact that you may not be here tomorrow.

Secondly, live your life with that kind of urgency and interest. Make your life to order, now. When do you sit down and think about these things?The time is always NOW!

If I were to pass you on the street and ask you what time is it, what would you tell me? You would give me the time NOW. Why? Because, there is only one time that really matters, NOW.

There is really no existence in the past or the future. They are only ideas in our minds! Let them go. Free your mind of this one limitation/ belief and you will change your life in an instant.

The time is now. And if not now, when?

Peace, Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser

How to Become an Expert in your Field

Hey, this is Dion again, the paperchaser.

Yes, i am still in the game!
Here lately, i have been trying to establish myself as an expert in the field of personal growth and network marketing.

How are you doing that, you might ask.

Well, I have always had a dream/goal of writing my own book.

I know that this gives you a certain amount of credibility and expert status, so naturally I
figured out that I could use this knowledge to build my business also. But, like many would
be writers, the task takes on monumental proportions once it is begun!

But, as I have learned in my studies of personal growth, once you take an action, then that action
takes on a life of its own. It will continue to move until the force that initiated it begins to fall.
I am getting old enough to know this is absolutely true. Hence, I don't do much, without matching that decision against my definite major purpose in life. If it doesn't help me reach that
definite major purpose, I usually don't do it. Another good method to check your actions and decisions is to try and see how it will logically 'play out'. This takes some practice, but as you gain experience you become very good at seeing the end, before you take the action.

This whole idea of becoming an expert in your chosen field is not new. I first read about it back in 2000. The book was called 'The Independent Scholar's Handbook'. I have not been able to find another copy of the book since then. But, inside this book, they spoke of people who had no degrees, yet had focused on a subject consistently enough to become the expert. They also went on to write books about the subject and became well known authorities on the subject!

Mind you, these were ordinary people, without Professional Degrees.

They simply found a subject that they liked or loved and spent time in study.

For me, the choice of subject matter was simple. I study philosophy and personal growth anyway. I don't need anyone to tell me to do that! I love the stuff! It is a natural fit for me, because I love it.

Key: It is not difficult to focus on something you are interested in.

Haven't they always told us to find your passion and then make that your vocation?

Okay, after saying all of that, here is a quote that brings it all home:
"If you study for an hour per day on any given subject, you would become an expert in about 5 years."

That is not an exact quote, but it captures the meaning of a quote I recently heard. Incidentally, I heard this quote, because i am constantly learning from other experts in the personal growth field. That quote was made a long time ago.

Within that quote, you have the basis for a program of study that could catipult you to the top of your field!

I could have started the article with that quote, and not added anything to it! It is so simple, yet so powerful!

And it is also, easy to do, and easy not to do.

Small improvements (investments) made over a period of time will compound into huge results over time.

The best example of this statement is 'compounding interest' you gain in the stock market.

I could ramble on and on, but it is not necessary. It is simple.

I am doing it now, as I write this article. Anytime I write, I am polishing my skills, little by little.

I am reinforcing the knowledge I have gained, and at the same time becoming a better writer.

"Repitition is the mother of skill."

Until next time, make sure you get that extra rep, even though we are not talking about doing bench presses!

Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Network Marketing Legitimate or Not?

This is a copy of a post I left in a Network Marketing Forum, The subject is classes being offered at the University Level and Is Network Marketing the most powerful business model.

Hey David,
I had heard that before, but I think the classes didn't really teach a class specifically geared toward preparing anyone for a Network Marketing Business.
My understanding was that it was at least being mentioned in some "survey" type classes and in continuing education type classes that offered no college credit.
When I was in school, a survey class was any class that was a Inro Level class, that surveyed the subject in a general way. For example, a 1113 Intro to Sociology class may have the intention to teach you some of the terminology used in that field. All of which is basic information. The real classes don't start until you have taken some pre-requisites, that give you the foundation for success in the next higher level class, in this exampHey David, le maybe 2113 Social Problems.
My take on that is, if you are even mentioning it in a University setting, you have added legitamacy to the field.
I personally do not care what the universties might do. The University has one of the most successful raquets going on.
In fact, I just had an epiphany!
Follow me, being in a University is almost like being in the Network Marketing Business, for example:
Someone has the knowledge and information and they are willing to teach it to you if you pay a small tuition fee.
In Network Marketing, you can learn the business, if you are willing to pay a "small tuition fee", ie. buy books, trainings, go to super saturday, go to annual conventions in las vegas, and of course there are the gurus of Network Marketing fame who will offer all kinds of audio seminars, tele seminars, one on one coaching, the list goes on and on.
(I get pitched for a coaching service about twice a month, all of which require a small "tuition fee", the last one would have cost me about 2,000 dollars)
Its all the same!!
You could even go back into ancient history, there you would find people who had the knowledge, and kept it secret from the masses, which kept the masses in darkness (lack of knowledge), which allowed the people who had accumulated the knowledge to "TEACH" IT" TO THE MASSES, who in many cases had to offer some gratuity, or offering (we will call it a 'small tuition fee'), in order to be included in the group.
In both cases, I have spent large sums of money and I still haven't reached the level of success I believe I deserve!
I have the student loans to prove it! I also have a lot of mlm training courses and books galore on personal growth..........
As for the drop in the bucket, that's okay.........I mean, I am glad its only a drop in the bucket, that means the market has not been saturated yet, and perhaps we are finally reaching critical mass,
You know, that point where MARKET FORCES are becoming MORE ALIGNED to create a perfect environment for Network Marketing to explode to a new level of acceptance.
I believe we are at that point, NOW.........
The Internet has leveled the playing field in so many ways. The old 'private frachise' model that Ray Kroc made famous with McDonald's, is now being offered to the "grass roots" person.
We are all private franchise owners, with whatever company we market for.
The old private franchise model is the model that our economy always had an affinity for............McDonald's,Burger King, Jani King, Subway, Blimpies, Krispy Kreme, Quiznos, the list goes on and on.
We know that those systems work, but we know how much they cost to begin.
Point: Hey, this Gross Domestic Product number really is a product of our private frachise model in so many ways, and it may even account for a large portion of our GDP.
I am suggesting that Network Marketing is nothing more than the evolution of the old private frachise model, which has a more powerful compensation plan, that requires small up front costs, and offers even more LEVERAGE, because you are creating leaders that go out and produce.
They have incentive to produce, because they get the Profit.
Corporate america is In many cases not allowing people the opportunity to be creative, use their resourcefulness, and therefore stopping production. Corporate america is becoming a slow ineffective method of operation. Those without the knowledge are being left high and dry, when the chickens come home to roost.
I say the time is now! We are in an position un-heard of in the history of Capitalism!
If its 100 billion now, how long will it take to reach the next 100 billion?I want some of that pie, a small portion,
I will even say that I want a small tuition fee!
Thanks, Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser

Monday, December 8, 2008

William Satner Raw Nerve

I am watching the Today show on my day off. Mind you I don't watch much T.V. But I do see some value in peeking at the morning shows.

I am aware that I am allowing other people to produce 'programming' for my mind.

Naturally, You Want To Eliminate anyone placing thoughts in your mind that have not passed your personal inspection.

But, what I thought was interesting, is the fact that I remember William Shatner when he was on the original Star Trek, (one of my favorite shows). Now I am watching him starting his own talk show, and of course he does the Priceline commercial and he is a best selling author!

It is incredible to watch other people achieve success! I am now expanding on the idea of the "mind autoresponder". It seems that almost daily, I am seeing another way to apply this idea to my life.

So, today I am saying that there are lessons to found everywhere you look as you go thru' your life. This is the beauty of the mind autoresponder. Some of your thoughts are automatically being generated anyway. And usually this is according to a pattern. Mind can only work to a pattern and it has a tendency to repeat the same thoughts over and over. We are talking about creating an atmosphere where we are constantly feeding the garden of our mind and planting new seeds for growth.

Is this possible? Is it even desirable?

I believe it is happening anyway! We are constantly being conditioned by everything we do! If we do not consciously choose some of our own conditioning, and every once and a while clean house, we are no better than Pavlov's dogs, who salivate everytime we hear the bell ring.

Shall we stop here, at least for now..............
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser