This is a great article about how our brains are being conditioned by the digital information that we process on a regular basis.
This is interesting because in my latest article I was talking about a new metaphor that I use. Its called the "Mind Auto-responder".
The main thrust of the article is our ability to condition our brains in the ways that we 'choose'. For most of us we are conditioned by our environment and society. Many times our conditioning has 'hardwired' us, so to speak, for failure. Or, if we were lucky, we didn't fail, but still are not expressing ourselves freely (especially in our finances and lifestyles).
Now we see in this Newsweek Article another example of our minds being conditioned by an outside agent.
The person who is on the path of Personal Development is for the most part 'STANDING ON GUARD AT THE DOOR OF HIS MIND.' Allowing only that which he inspects and chooses to pass the gate. He is a person who is on the path of realizing a goal and simply will not allow anything to influence him, that does not expidite the attainment of his DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE!
Sorry! I got kind of excited by this article I am recommending to you. Its that good! I can actually feel the vibrations in my brain speeding up.
Good Day,
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
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