What If You Had A Autoresponder for Your Mind?
Hey, just imagine that for a moment, would you?
What is a Autoresponder?
Well, I don’t have a dictionary at the time of this writing. (I am
Embarrassed to admit that).
But let’s try to explain the term. The Autoresponder is a tool that
Internet Marketers use to help them follow up with potential customers or as a way to manage an online newsletter. You could also use it to keep your downline organization trained and updated.
It is so powerful, because you can really leverage your time. The autoresponder can automatically follow-up with prospects each day or at different intervals.
I was talking to a friend the other day who has been studying philosophy and metaphysics nearly all of his life. He even went on to obtain a post graduate degree in Philosophy. He is one of my best friends. In part because of his Metaphysical Outlook on life. (Did that make sense?) We frequently discuss philosophical issues as they relate to our challenges with life. He said that he had so internalized the principles that he always has the “Metaphysical Attitude”. He said that it had become 2nd nature.
I am not sure exactly what he meant. From what I gathered he gave me the impression that he was slacking on his personal growth study. But, afterward I realized that he is a Professor who teaches Social Sciences, in particular Sociology.
I realized he is always looking at these concepts about how the society influences the individual. Or vice versa, how the individual can influence his reality, or his society. He is getting his daily dose of study because he is teaching it!
Wait a Minute, Dion. You where are you going with this?
I remember Jim Rohn saying that he remembered seeing a picture with John Wooden. The coach who has won more NCAA Basketball Championships than anyone in history! Yet here he was at the front row of a basketball clinic TAKING NOTES!!!!
Hey, this guy doesn’t have to take lessons from anyone, yet there he was doing the disciplines. He constantly must have stayed on the alert for the next bit of information that was new or that had been forgotten, yet still retained its relevance.
This must have been one of the reasons WHY he was the best. What does that say about the rest of us average joes?
I don’t have a auto responder, but I have something that is similar and even more powerful! I have the subconscious mind. And I understand the principle of Auto-Suggestion. With these tools and this understanding, I can essentially have my mind automatically produce the Metaphysical Attitude. I can see the underlying principles instead of just the superficial.
For me it’s the Principles of Personal Acheivement and the Law of Attraction. I am conditioning my mind to become “Success Conscious” and “Money Conscious”.
By reading everything I can possibly get my hands on.
Well, not everything. I am focusing my study on Personal Growth as always, but I am also doing research on Network Marketing/Direct Selling on the Internet.
I am at the point now that most of what I read is re-worked information. At least that is what it looks like on the “Surface”.
In truth, each reading has the potential to change your understanding of the principle. AND THAT COULD BE THE ONE IDEA THAT CHANGES YOUR LIFE FOREVER. Or maybe its the one key you have been missing to taking your business to the next level.
Always study.
Read new and diverse writers.
Be expecting a deeper understanding each time you recognize a principle you ‘already knew’.
And as Anthony Robbins would say, as soon as you learn something new, APPLY IT!
I hope you like the new metaphor of “The Mind Autoresponder”.
Use it with this understanding:
We use the Autoresponder because it follows up with prospects. Keeping us and our offer in front of them and on their minds. We know that it typically takes from 5 to 10 contacts before the prospect even looks at the offer.
Think about that one in relation to the Principle of Auotsuggestion.
Thanks again for reading.
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser,
Expert Author Ezinearticles.com
Founding Member Success University
Founder Morrison & Associates
Voted 2005 Outstanding Business Graduate
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