This is a copy of a post I left in a Network Marketing Forum, The subject is classes being offered at the University Level and Is Network Marketing the most powerful business model.
Hey David,
I had heard that before, but I think the classes didn't really teach a class specifically geared toward preparing anyone for a Network Marketing Business.
My understanding was that it was at least being mentioned in some "survey" type classes and in continuing education type classes that offered no college credit.
When I was in school, a survey class was any class that was a Inro Level class, that surveyed the subject in a general way. For example, a 1113 Intro to Sociology class may have the intention to teach you some of the terminology used in that field. All of which is basic information. The real classes don't start until you have taken some pre-requisites, that give you the foundation for success in the next higher level class, in this exampHey David, le maybe 2113 Social Problems.
My take on that is, if you are even mentioning it in a University setting, you have added legitamacy to the field.
I personally do not care what the universties might do. The University has one of the most successful raquets going on.
In fact, I just had an epiphany!
Follow me, being in a University is almost like being in the Network Marketing Business, for example:
Someone has the knowledge and information and they are willing to teach it to you if you pay a small tuition fee.
In Network Marketing, you can learn the business, if you are willing to pay a "small tuition fee", ie. buy books, trainings, go to super saturday, go to annual conventions in las vegas, and of course there are the gurus of Network Marketing fame who will offer all kinds of audio seminars, tele seminars, one on one coaching, the list goes on and on.
(I get pitched for a coaching service about twice a month, all of which require a small "tuition fee", the last one would have cost me about 2,000 dollars)
Its all the same!!
You could even go back into ancient history, there you would find people who had the knowledge, and kept it secret from the masses, which kept the masses in darkness (lack of knowledge), which allowed the people who had accumulated the knowledge to "TEACH" IT" TO THE MASSES, who in many cases had to offer some gratuity, or offering (we will call it a 'small tuition fee'), in order to be included in the group.
In both cases, I have spent large sums of money and I still haven't reached the level of success I believe I deserve!
I have the student loans to prove it! I also have a lot of mlm training courses and books galore on personal growth..........
As for the drop in the bucket, that's okay.........I mean, I am glad its only a drop in the bucket, that means the market has not been saturated yet, and perhaps we are finally reaching critical mass,
You know, that point where MARKET FORCES are becoming MORE ALIGNED to create a perfect environment for Network Marketing to explode to a new level of acceptance.
I believe we are at that point, NOW.........
The Internet has leveled the playing field in so many ways. The old 'private frachise' model that Ray Kroc made famous with McDonald's, is now being offered to the "grass roots" person.
We are all private franchise owners, with whatever company we market for.
The old private franchise model is the model that our economy always had an affinity for............McDonald's,Burger King, Jani King, Subway, Blimpies, Krispy Kreme, Quiznos, the list goes on and on.
We know that those systems work, but we know how much they cost to begin.
Point: Hey, this Gross Domestic Product number really is a product of our private frachise model in so many ways, and it may even account for a large portion of our GDP.
I am suggesting that Network Marketing is nothing more than the evolution of the old private frachise model, which has a more powerful compensation plan, that requires small up front costs, and offers even more LEVERAGE, because you are creating leaders that go out and produce.
They have incentive to produce, because they get the Profit.
Corporate america is In many cases not allowing people the opportunity to be creative, use their resourcefulness, and therefore stopping production. Corporate america is becoming a slow ineffective method of operation. Those without the knowledge are being left high and dry, when the chickens come home to roost.
I say the time is now! We are in an position un-heard of in the history of Capitalism!
If its 100 billion now, how long will it take to reach the next 100 billion?I want some of that pie, a small portion,
I will even say that I want a small tuition fee!
Thanks, Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
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