Here we go again.
I usually don't watch the news, but on my days off i will indulge a little. (30 minutes)
One of my mentors says that I should eliminate all negativity, which includes all news.
I will do that as soon as I hear the next story about the surge in hate crimes. But, I keep
hearing Myron Golden saying, "when you are making 10,000 per month then you can
turn on the News."
Since he is where I want to be, I will listen to him.
Now, back to the title, 53,000 more jobs are being eliminated.
First off, Citigroup is or was at one time THE largest corporation in the world!
Now they are saying that they cannot allow Citigroup to go the way of Lehman Bros.
So fellow Network Marketers and Online Marketers, the time is slowly approaching.........
Everone is afraid!
A good example is the surge in hate crimes.
Watch and see what happens as alot of special interest groups start rally together as the
economic situation becomes bleak.
This is not the time for fear and hate mongering. This is the time for our country to come
together. Seperation will only weaken our nation.
What is that old saying: 'Divide and Conquer'
We have a saying in the Network Marketing that goes like this, 'the team creates the dream'.
Or something like that. Do you get the picture?
Can you see, hear and taste that?
Our country really needs a boost to the economy.
And I have come to believe that the Network Marketing Industry could save our economy!
Do I need to repeat that?
The current 'Business Model' is not working for approximately 90-95% of americans. And as
the economy turns bad, fear becomes rampant. I think there will be an increase in not only
hate crimes, but all crimes.
We know that in life and in business, you must constantly be on the personal growth path.
But, it is more than that. Everyone in our great nation could have the ultimate lifestyle and
income to go with it.
"Millionaire Recruits" may be everywhere and anywhere!
The general public is now seeing, what we all saw (no security in the J.O.B.).
Note: 43% increase in food distribution centers in the Oregon area, these are record breaking
With that last note, it is becoming almost a moral duty to expose people to our industry. We
should give everyone a chance to build a six figure residual income.
Let us see what the conversion rates are now in this new and unpredictable economy.............
Dion Morrison, the paperchaser
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