Here is yet another article that can increase your revenue. Ask yourself this question. Can I become an Expert in my chosen field? I have decided to become that Independent Scholar. I have decided to be one of the "go to " guys in this industry. How about you? What about a Master Mind Alliance? Share your experience and hope, here.
This article is written by:
Richard Martin
What if you didn't have to work at getting traffic to your website? What if other people built your traffic for you? Don't think it's possible?...To tell you the truth, it's simple to accomplish.This might seem like totally new information.The funny part is that it is only about 1/10th as hard as it is to try and get organic SEO traffic, given the competition online today. You might be confused now, but keep reading...It all relates to one key element of ANY business: no matter what you are selling, you must pay attention to:THE VALUE YOU PROVIDEIn fact, this is they key to 90% of all OFFLINE businesses' success too. The best stuff rises to the top in ALL markets. People who are impressed by a purchase tell their friends. And they tell their friends. The chain continues. Cars are a fantastic market to show this in action.Honda started importing cars to the United States in the 1970s. At first, the cars weren't as good as other models. But they kept at it, kept researching consumer tastes & preferences. And most importantly, kept improving their PRODUCT. Not with extra bells and whistles that only interest dorky engineers. But, by offering real value that the consumer actually consumed.Did Honda market their cars better? NO WAY!So what's the reason for Honda selling so many Accords every year? It's simple. Their reputation for QUALITY speaks for itself. There is a great value proposition for the average consumer.Think about it: You can pay more than $25,000 for a car that won't last more than 60,000 miles. Or instead, you can buy a new Accord that's going to last twice as long with no hassles in between. Now, here comes the word of mouth effect:You will start spreading the word about the great value you got in the Accord to make yourself look better. What the car is like, how LITTLE you paid in relation to the car's cost, and everything else you can think of.In turn this makes YOU appear more valuable to your friends.The online world isn't THAT different than the offline world. Your website traffic is people. And links are made by other webmasters (who are people too!). You won't be able to stop people from linking to your site and visiting it IF it really is excellent.The reality is that new sites come out & totally wreck the feeble competition in categories that are supposedly too competitive. Every day! Why? Because their site is better, serves their customers better & people spread the news quick.OK, but what should be YOUR plan?Really develop your website's content. If your site is about mortgages, make it the #1 looking, #1 functioning ,& #1 value producing site in your market. Make it a true category killer.Figure out how to get the best mortgage content in the world and post it along with mortgage calculators & AMAZING tips on lowering payments.Create a REALLY quality directory on the best mortgage resources online. Build it & gather the information personally. Serve the customer better than anyone else does.Figure what your market is after and give them so much that they tell others. FOR FREE!What would you rather have anyway? 1 person (YOU) building links or your satisfied prospects building them for you?Offer the best stuff you can get your hands on, or write it personally if necessary.Post great content with high excellent value. Surf the site yourself. Ask: Would you surf this site? Fix it until you would. Make it your homepage & don't quit until you are getting 500,000 visitors a day.
Brought to you by:
Dion Morrisn, the Paperchaser,
Master Internet Marketer
Expert Author
Voted: O.S.U. 2005 "Outstanding Business Graduate"