Hello everyone,
I was close to watching a movie when they play a preview of the movie, "The Pursuit of Happiness".
Well, I got a great idea for a post on my blog. The quote, 'Don't let anybody tell you, you can't do anything, not even me.' Great quote, to say the least. But, it fit right in with what I had read earlier in Napolean Hill's classic book, "Think and Grow Rich". The chapter was on Persistence. In it he kept repeating that it is the person who is most persistent, that has the greatest production. He even says, that if you must possess this trait because, it goes hand in hand with the first one, mainly DESIRE.
And guess what? I am sure you can see it already, if you are a student of the Success Philosophy. The Stronger your Desire, the Greater your Persistence, and guess what? You guessed it, your faith is directly related to both desire and persistence. Can you see how each one of the principles in the Law of Success depend on the others?
In my own personal opinion, I believe that Desire alone can drive a man toward success. Probaly because it will continue to move or motivate a man to take action. Isn't that the one thing most of us a lacking? Motivation! If a "motive" is the cause for one's action, then it follows that we need a strong motive. For many a successful man, the motive or cause is that thing that he DESIRES most. Isn't it safe to assume that if I desire something enough, I will take action toward the attainment of my desire?
This is what we call in Network Marketing, "YOUR REASON WHY".
"If your Why doesn't make you cry, it probaly isn't strong enough"
If you haven't found your WHY, you probaly ought to start here.
Stephen Covey refers to it as, "Finding your Voice". In his book he says the challenge today is to 'find your voice and inspire others to find their.'
He goes on to say, "There is a deep, innate, almost inexpressible yearning within each of us to find our voice in life." (from: Success from Home, vol. 1 issue 2 , and the reference is to his new book titled, "The 8th Habit, from Effectiveness to Greatness").
Wow, this blog is a good example of what can happen when your awareness is raised. When it is your subconscious mind can pinpoint something and translate it (at lightning speed) into a way for you to achieve your 'Definite Major Purpose'.
Once again, if you haven't figured it out, this blog is for increasing the knowledge, wisdom, understanding and income of its readers. It is another twist to the Mastermind Principle. Join us, as we grow and go!
Thanks again,
Dion, the Paperchaser
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