Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hello again. I was sitting and combing the internet, looking for new ways to promote my blog and my online business. There is a wealth of information on the internet. Actually, there is too much information. But, I remember something I learned when I first started to study the personal growth field.

While I was studying, it became clear that much of what had been written in the field was not new. I began to see many of the same things over and over again. The truth is that I begin to think that maybe I had learned it all. I began to think that I could learn very little from reading other authors. I also found that I could not stop looking. Everytime I saw a new book that caught my eye, I wanted to read it. Was I surprised? No, not at all! Yet, I noticed something. The more I read others' perspectives, the more I understood the same concepts. It was a revelation for me. Each author had a unique way of telling the story! It was now clear to me that I could continue to learn and gain deeper insight into the workings of the universe, if I continues to study.

I also got another hint about this idea, when I saw others who had latched on to one teaching or one book and stopped there. These people had become limited in their understanding! Yes, it is true! The more we talked, the more it became apparent that they had arrested their development. They had begun to dogmatically hold on to their belief, and the result is that they were reluctant to look at other views. This is the problem with beliefs. As Anthony Robbins teaches, beliefs can create or they can destroy. Hence, the idea that is one of the basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming. That idea is, " THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY!". This idea is essential, because it constantly reinforces the idea that, many times we cannot see the actual truth because our minds are constantly re-interpreting all incoming information.

Now, I cannot go into great detail about this subject here and it would probaly not be a good idea. I would just like to encourage you to reflect on this concept. And if you happen to run across a copy of "Awaken the Giant Within", by Anthony Robbins, please pick it up. Because, we are always taking information about our world and then re-interpreting it, we can sometime forget that we don't always see the world EXACTLY AS IT IS.

Remember this idea and it will open your mind to the many different ideas that our creator has blessed us to recieve. Thanks, again.

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