Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Dead at the age of 15, Life is too Short
[Edit] Written by dionjm on
document.write(localTime('Dec 23, 2008 20:55 GMT'))
Dec-23-08 12:55pm
Hello everyone, this is a spur of the moment article I decided to write.
I just recently got a call from a family member about a youngster in our family. He was only 15 years, but he was committing crimes like he was in a burrough of Ney York.Long story short, this youngster died while trying to conduct an home invasion. The result is a dead man.
Now how can I take this incident and learn from it? The idea that immediately comes to mind is, 'life is to short'. I have already been moved in a positive way. I always knew that time is an illusion. We always think that we have more time. We have time to get back to spending time with the family. We can put off building our business, because we have more time.
This may be one of the most erroneous beliefs that we men carry. I say 'carry', because it is like carrying baggage. It slows you down! We procrastinate, and put off till' tomorrow what we can do today. Usually it is a small decision that we make, that seems like it will not matter.
But, the truth is, each time we choose to do one thing/think one thought, it has a tendancy to repeat itself. This is the nature of thought. Every thought has a tendancy to multiply and according to the law of attraction, attract other thoughts of like nature.
What does this mean?
Every thought and every action MATTERS!
Yes, you read right. It does matter. Every choice we make, has the ability to alter our destiny. At any given time, a thought, a choice and an action can change where you will end up 1 year from now. That is according to universal law.
You cannot escape the consequences of the choices you make, but you can make better choices.
But, when it is all said and done, it is not what you choose to do once that will really take you down a different road. It is the choices that you make consistently. It is the everyday choices that we make that make the biggest difference.
It is not the first cigarette that gets us in trouble, but the consistent choice to lite the cigarette over and over again, over the years.
It is not the first Big Mac that will lead to heart disease, but the consistent choice to eat a Big Mac for lunch everyday that gets you in trouble.
Here is an important fact to remember, Mind can only work according to patterns.You must consciously choose the patterns of thought you believe will take you to your CHOSEN DESTINY.
If you don't choose these patterns of thought, then the mind will take the path of least resistance. It will keep repeating the same old thoughts that have brought you where you are now. I am of course assuming that you wish to go somewhere other than where you are now.
How much time do you have to reach your Definite Major Purpose in life?
I will answer that one for you, You don't really know! Just like my 15 year old cousin.
How do you bring the passion and intensity to your life NOW?
First things first, become aware of the fact that you may not be here tomorrow.
Secondly, live your life with that kind of urgency and interest. Make your life to order, now. When do you sit down and think about these things?The time is always NOW!
If I were to pass you on the street and ask you what time is it, what would you tell me? You would give me the time NOW. Why? Because, there is only one time that really matters, NOW.
There is really no existence in the past or the future. They are only ideas in our minds! Let them go. Free your mind of this one limitation/ belief and you will change your life in an instant.
The time is now. And if not now, when?
Peace, Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
How to Become an Expert in your Field
Hey, this is Dion again, the paperchaser.
Yes, i am still in the game!
Here lately, i have been trying to establish myself as an expert in the field of personal growth and network marketing.
How are you doing that, you might ask.
Well, I have always had a dream/goal of writing my own book.
I know that this gives you a certain amount of credibility and expert status, so naturally I
figured out that I could use this knowledge to build my business also. But, like many would
be writers, the task takes on monumental proportions once it is begun!
But, as I have learned in my studies of personal growth, once you take an action, then that action
takes on a life of its own. It will continue to move until the force that initiated it begins to fall.
I am getting old enough to know this is absolutely true. Hence, I don't do much, without matching that decision against my definite major purpose in life. If it doesn't help me reach that
definite major purpose, I usually don't do it. Another good method to check your actions and decisions is to try and see how it will logically 'play out'. This takes some practice, but as you gain experience you become very good at seeing the end, before you take the action.
This whole idea of becoming an expert in your chosen field is not new. I first read about it back in 2000. The book was called 'The Independent Scholar's Handbook'. I have not been able to find another copy of the book since then. But, inside this book, they spoke of people who had no degrees, yet had focused on a subject consistently enough to become the expert. They also went on to write books about the subject and became well known authorities on the subject!
Mind you, these were ordinary people, without Professional Degrees.
They simply found a subject that they liked or loved and spent time in study.
For me, the choice of subject matter was simple. I study philosophy and personal growth anyway. I don't need anyone to tell me to do that! I love the stuff! It is a natural fit for me, because I love it.
Key: It is not difficult to focus on something you are interested in.
Haven't they always told us to find your passion and then make that your vocation?
Okay, after saying all of that, here is a quote that brings it all home:
"If you study for an hour per day on any given subject, you would become an expert in about 5 years."
That is not an exact quote, but it captures the meaning of a quote I recently heard. Incidentally, I heard this quote, because i am constantly learning from other experts in the personal growth field. That quote was made a long time ago.
Within that quote, you have the basis for a program of study that could catipult you to the top of your field!
I could have started the article with that quote, and not added anything to it! It is so simple, yet so powerful!
And it is also, easy to do, and easy not to do.
Small improvements (investments) made over a period of time will compound into huge results over time.
The best example of this statement is 'compounding interest' you gain in the stock market.
I could ramble on and on, but it is not necessary. It is simple.
I am doing it now, as I write this article. Anytime I write, I am polishing my skills, little by little.
I am reinforcing the knowledge I have gained, and at the same time becoming a better writer.
"Repitition is the mother of skill."
Until next time, make sure you get that extra rep, even though we are not talking about doing bench presses!
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Network Marketing Legitimate or Not?
This is a copy of a post I left in a Network Marketing Forum, The subject is classes being offered at the University Level and Is Network Marketing the most powerful business model.
Hey David,
I had heard that before, but I think the classes didn't really teach a class specifically geared toward preparing anyone for a Network Marketing Business.
My understanding was that it was at least being mentioned in some "survey" type classes and in continuing education type classes that offered no college credit.
When I was in school, a survey class was any class that was a Inro Level class, that surveyed the subject in a general way. For example, a 1113 Intro to Sociology class may have the intention to teach you some of the terminology used in that field. All of which is basic information. The real classes don't start until you have taken some pre-requisites, that give you the foundation for success in the next higher level class, in this exampHey David, le maybe 2113 Social Problems.
My take on that is, if you are even mentioning it in a University setting, you have added legitamacy to the field.
I personally do not care what the universties might do. The University has one of the most successful raquets going on.
In fact, I just had an epiphany!
Follow me, being in a University is almost like being in the Network Marketing Business, for example:
Someone has the knowledge and information and they are willing to teach it to you if you pay a small tuition fee.
In Network Marketing, you can learn the business, if you are willing to pay a "small tuition fee", ie. buy books, trainings, go to super saturday, go to annual conventions in las vegas, and of course there are the gurus of Network Marketing fame who will offer all kinds of audio seminars, tele seminars, one on one coaching, the list goes on and on.
(I get pitched for a coaching service about twice a month, all of which require a small "tuition fee", the last one would have cost me about 2,000 dollars)
Its all the same!!
You could even go back into ancient history, there you would find people who had the knowledge, and kept it secret from the masses, which kept the masses in darkness (lack of knowledge), which allowed the people who had accumulated the knowledge to "TEACH" IT" TO THE MASSES, who in many cases had to offer some gratuity, or offering (we will call it a 'small tuition fee'), in order to be included in the group.
In both cases, I have spent large sums of money and I still haven't reached the level of success I believe I deserve!
I have the student loans to prove it! I also have a lot of mlm training courses and books galore on personal growth..........
As for the drop in the bucket, that's okay.........I mean, I am glad its only a drop in the bucket, that means the market has not been saturated yet, and perhaps we are finally reaching critical mass,
You know, that point where MARKET FORCES are becoming MORE ALIGNED to create a perfect environment for Network Marketing to explode to a new level of acceptance.
I believe we are at that point, NOW.........
The Internet has leveled the playing field in so many ways. The old 'private frachise' model that Ray Kroc made famous with McDonald's, is now being offered to the "grass roots" person.
We are all private franchise owners, with whatever company we market for.
The old private franchise model is the model that our economy always had an affinity for............McDonald's,Burger King, Jani King, Subway, Blimpies, Krispy Kreme, Quiznos, the list goes on and on.
We know that those systems work, but we know how much they cost to begin.
Point: Hey, this Gross Domestic Product number really is a product of our private frachise model in so many ways, and it may even account for a large portion of our GDP.
I am suggesting that Network Marketing is nothing more than the evolution of the old private frachise model, which has a more powerful compensation plan, that requires small up front costs, and offers even more LEVERAGE, because you are creating leaders that go out and produce.
They have incentive to produce, because they get the Profit.
Corporate america is In many cases not allowing people the opportunity to be creative, use their resourcefulness, and therefore stopping production. Corporate america is becoming a slow ineffective method of operation. Those without the knowledge are being left high and dry, when the chickens come home to roost.
I say the time is now! We are in an position un-heard of in the history of Capitalism!
If its 100 billion now, how long will it take to reach the next 100 billion?I want some of that pie, a small portion,
I will even say that I want a small tuition fee!
Thanks, Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
Monday, December 8, 2008
William Satner Raw Nerve
I am watching the Today show on my day off. Mind you I don't watch much T.V. But I do see some value in peeking at the morning shows.
I am aware that I am allowing other people to produce 'programming' for my mind.
Naturally, You Want To Eliminate anyone placing thoughts in your mind that have not passed your personal inspection.
But, what I thought was interesting, is the fact that I remember William Shatner when he was on the original Star Trek, (one of my favorite shows). Now I am watching him starting his own talk show, and of course he does the Priceline commercial and he is a best selling author!
It is incredible to watch other people achieve success! I am now expanding on the idea of the "mind autoresponder". It seems that almost daily, I am seeing another way to apply this idea to my life.
So, today I am saying that there are lessons to found everywhere you look as you go thru' your life. This is the beauty of the mind autoresponder. Some of your thoughts are automatically being generated anyway. And usually this is according to a pattern. Mind can only work to a pattern and it has a tendency to repeat the same thoughts over and over. We are talking about creating an atmosphere where we are constantly feeding the garden of our mind and planting new seeds for growth.
Is this possible? Is it even desirable?
I believe it is happening anyway! We are constantly being conditioned by everything we do! If we do not consciously choose some of our own conditioning, and every once and a while clean house, we are no better than Pavlov's dogs, who salivate everytime we hear the bell ring.
Shall we stop here, at least for now..............
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
Sunday, November 23, 2008
CitiGroup to slash 53,000 jobs! Got your plan B?
Here we go again.
I usually don't watch the news, but on my days off i will indulge a little. (30 minutes)
One of my mentors says that I should eliminate all negativity, which includes all news.
I will do that as soon as I hear the next story about the surge in hate crimes. But, I keep
hearing Myron Golden saying, "when you are making 10,000 per month then you can
turn on the News."
Since he is where I want to be, I will listen to him.
Now, back to the title, 53,000 more jobs are being eliminated.
First off, Citigroup is or was at one time THE largest corporation in the world!
Now they are saying that they cannot allow Citigroup to go the way of Lehman Bros.
So fellow Network Marketers and Online Marketers, the time is slowly approaching.........
Everone is afraid!
A good example is the surge in hate crimes.
Watch and see what happens as alot of special interest groups start rally together as the
economic situation becomes bleak.
This is not the time for fear and hate mongering. This is the time for our country to come
together. Seperation will only weaken our nation.
What is that old saying: 'Divide and Conquer'
We have a saying in the Network Marketing that goes like this, 'the team creates the dream'.
Or something like that. Do you get the picture?
Can you see, hear and taste that?
Our country really needs a boost to the economy.
And I have come to believe that the Network Marketing Industry could save our economy!
Do I need to repeat that?
The current 'Business Model' is not working for approximately 90-95% of americans. And as
the economy turns bad, fear becomes rampant. I think there will be an increase in not only
hate crimes, but all crimes.
We know that in life and in business, you must constantly be on the personal growth path.
But, it is more than that. Everyone in our great nation could have the ultimate lifestyle and
income to go with it.
"Millionaire Recruits" may be everywhere and anywhere!
The general public is now seeing, what we all saw (no security in the J.O.B.).
Note: 43% increase in food distribution centers in the Oregon area, these are record breaking
With that last note, it is becoming almost a moral duty to expose people to our industry. We
should give everyone a chance to build a six figure residual income.
Let us see what the conversion rates are now in this new and unpredictable economy.............
Dion Morrison, the paperchaser
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Abundant Living System Strikes Again!
I have been searching the web, as usual, and found a new "gifting system".
If you have been in the home based business game for a while then you have probaly
recieved some gifting program ideas in the mail.
I have recieved them in the mail for about 20 years.
I tried a few small mailings, but never got any results.
I always knew that it was a powerful method of cash generation, because of its similarity to
the Multi Level Marketing compensation plans. I knew if you could get a few people to join
up with you and do the same mailing you did or more, the numbers exposed to the idea
would grow exponentially.
Fast forward now to 2008.
I am on a social networking site called Yuwie and run across a guy with a Youtube video showing
his latest cash gift!
I saw another guy film himself meeting the FedEx driver at the curb to pick up 2 packages
both containing CASH MONEY!!!!!
I couldn't get enough!
There were many more videos telling about the success they had, and many were simply
opening FedEx packages and counting the money.
Well, you know me. I'm the paperchaser. So I had already decided long ago that I would
try over and over to build a million dollar income, no matter how many times I may have to
fail. Or how much money I might have to spend!
And part of this Blog's purpose is to help all who visit grow personally and financially.
I will keep you posted on the results that I see.
Dion Morrison, the paperchaser
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I am more excited about my Network Marketing Business!
Hello everyone,
If you are wondering why I am so excited today, just hang in there for a moment,
I'll get to that soon......
Have you ever reached that point in the 'plan' where you are getting tired of waiting for
the multipliers to 'KICK' in.
I know because I was there once before!
I even reached the point where I was reluctant to spend money on my advertising and
Can you believe that?!
So what saved me?
It was my personal growth training. It was my constant use of the "MIND AUTO-RESPONDER"
It was the repetitive reading of the ancient scrolls in Og Mandino's, The Greatest Salesman in the World.
It was my regular perusal of Napolean Hill's, Think and Grow Rich.
It was a Student Of The Game Mentality.
I learned from "The Best", and I can say that "I travel with wise men everyday"........
How can I be stopped?
When I know the truth.......................
Which is= Any thing that the mind of man/woman can concieve and believe, it can achieve.
That means that I will achieve everything that my heart desires.
I now go to the source, or the word, or the spiritual world, or call it the metaphysical, whatever
verbiage you want to use, and ask for what I want .......
I then wait and watch for the person , place, thing or opportunity (or difficulty) which may be leading me toward that which I was Expecting to recieve anyway!
As John Dilleme says, "I am now entering the FAITH ZONE where we Find Answers In The Heart."
I am seeing the fruits of all the hard work I did from the begining of this journey, back almost 20 years ago when I was first exposed to the Network Marketing Industry....
Its time to go, go, go, as Jerry Drhino Clark says.
Until next time!
Dion Morrison the paperchaser
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Bad Economy + Unemployment x Wall Street Greed = Networking Recruiting Explosion!
Come over here, I've got something to tell you.
Nobody knows it yet, but right now, because of our Economic Downturn, there is a whole new group of people looking for more income. They are looking for more control over their financial destiny. They want more options for their family.
It is now becoming obvious that the Old Business Model doesn't work well for about 95% of Americans.
You don't have to take my word for it, look at the some of the latest headlines:
"US Economy Unexpectedly sheds 17,000 jobs" The New York Times 2/1/08
'"Citigroup Posts 9.83 Billion dollar loss, announces a cut in jobs" The New York Times 1/15/08 Total Jobs Lost= 4,200 Running Total=21,200
"September Bad Month for Job Market" The Oregonian 10/4/08
Total Jobs Lost=159,000 Running Total=180,200
Previous 9 months: Total Jobs Lost=760,000 Running Total=940,000
"College Savings take a $100 Million Dollar Hit" The Oregonian 10/11/08
Total Jobs Lost=Unknown (x) Running Total=940,000 + (x)
"Hewlett Packard Lays Off 300" The Oregonian 8/20/08
Total Jobs Lost=940,300 + (x) Running Total=940,300 + (x)
"Chrysler eliminates 13,000 jobs" Source, VideoPlus 2007
Total = 953,300
You get the picture? And I didn't do a thorough search! I got tired of all the bad press!!! Ha........
I have always believed that the Network Marketing Industry would eventually take over the business world. But, now the experts are coming out and admitting the truth about the 'american dream'. They are saying it is alive and well, and flourishing withing the Home Based Business arena.
Here is what some experts are saying:
US Chamber of Commerce President and CEO, Thomas Donohue,
"Millions of americans are seeking viable business opportunities to secure their Financial Future, and be their own boss....."
John Dilleme, Network Marketing Millionaire and Expert,
"Because of the economy, we are in perfect position for the industry to explode in the next few years..."
The time is now to step up your ACTIVITY. I am getting excited just writing this article. There are thousands of people out of work or searching for what we have!
This is just the begining!
My name is Dion Morrison. I am from Tulsa, Ok., and a alumnist from O.S.U., an author, entrepreneur and independent scholar. If you would like to learn more about how to grow yourself and increase your income on the internet please visit: http://paperchaser.myworldpower.com
Zen and the Art of Building Your Network Marketing Business
I know it seems to be a weird combination. But, I was doing my daily personal growth and Network Marketing research when I got an "epiphany". It was a sudden insight into some concepts I had given over to my subconscious to find the solution for me.
Suddenly, I began to realize that the 'path to enlightenment' must be similar to the 'path to network marketing success'.
I remember that most of the eastern philosophers that I had been exposed to always said "that the path was pathless". Meaning that no one can really show you the path, you must discover the path on your own! The most that they can do is point you in the right direction.
And I think this is truth in almost any realm. Whether you are in Network Marketing or Philosophical Enlightenment. We get so caught up in the idea that, if he can do it, I can follow his plan and reach my goal too. While this is true in general terms, it does not hold true in specific circumstances.
Make any sense?
So, you really need the right way of thinking. The right philosophy. AKA the principles that lead you to success. The principle can then be applied to any "unique situation" that you find yourself in.
But, there is another element involved. You are an individual. It is up to you to determine what you feel comfortable doing in "your business". You are like the young student who must find answers from within just as you seek out the 'gurus', for information -without.
John Dilleme has a great quote about this subject: "F.A.I.T.H. means to Find Answers Inside The Heart"
What does this have to do with me building my business?
Simply put, EVERYTHING!
The Path is Pathless..........
I once heard a quote from a leader in the industry: "We know that the System Works, we just don't know if you will WORK!"
That is where your thinking comes into play. This is where your thinking or lack of thinking, makes it easier or harder to overcome the challenges you must face along the Path.......
Where do you start? I decided to list some authors that I have been blessed to be exposed to: Kiyosaki, Jeff Olson, John Dilleme, Donald Trump, Napolean Hill, Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Deagan Smith, D.H. DeLaurence, Charles Hannell, Robert Collier, Wallace D. Wattles, OG Mandino, Paul J Meyer, Anthony Robbins, Eckhardt Tolle, etc.
OG Mandino
This Business Model is the perfect business model. It is one of the only legitimate shot at accumulating a large fortune (or a small fortune) for the average american.
It is being projected that Network Marketing will creat another 500,000 millionaires in america over the next 10 or more years!
It is as if, this Business Model was created by the "MASTER ENGINEER" himself! Where else can you make large amounts of money, but only if you PERSONALLY GROW and Only If You Help Alot Of Other People Do The Same?
Thanks for your time,
My name is Dion Morrison. I am from Tulsa, Ok., and a alumnist from O.S.U., an author, entrepreneur and independent scholar. If you would like to learn more about how to grow yourself and increase your income on the internet please visit:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dion_Morrison
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hello everyone,
Once again, we have new subscribers.
That happens EVERYDAY!
Yet more PROOF that people are looking for what we have!!!!
It is up to us to find them and tell them we are in business.
A quick welcome aboard to our new subscribers...
...And here is that most incredible source of information.
Its called Psi tek.
Within this website you have access to free books on every subject dealing with your success!
Take a look at these titles:
If that don't get you interested, you better check your pulse!
I am a firm believer that, "THERE ARE NO MORE SECRETS!"
Thanks to the internet.
If you do not have everything you want from life now, startright where you stand and study books on personal growth.
You can have everything you want, if you are willing to do what others will not do, so you can have what others will nothave!
You see, most people will never pick up a book after HIGH SCHOOL!
Its no wonder that approximately 97% of us will live on family,social security or welfare by the age of 65.
If you want to be in that 3%, you need to start your selfeducation now.
Visit this website:http://www.psitek.net/index2.html
Monday, October 20, 2008
How about it?
Why not you?
This is a good question?But, let us not stop there.
Why not now?
This is a simple enough question, but the question forces youto really think hard.
For everyone who just signed up for a subscription, welcome.
Truth:"You have a IN-ALIENABLE right to succeed and have a life ofABUNDANCE."
That means that you were born to have a life of abundance, notone of mediocrity!
If you have praying or searching for the right opportunity, thenI assume you had FAITH enough to be expecting something to come along.
And here we go........
You are now about to have a chance to look at the fastest growing website on the ENTIRE INTERNET!!!!!!
Why so much traffic?
Heck! Just read the headlines.
Everywhere you look, there are stories that turn your focuson FEAR AND SCARCITY!
This Economy is forcing people to look for alternative waysto create income!!!!!
If they aren't starting to look now, they soon will be.
And guess what, they are also looking for the best educationthey can find.
Why? They now see that the old educational system has not setthem free financially.
And worst of all, they now KNOW that there is NO SECURITY ingetting the J.O.B.
You are now in a position to help these people with the "GREATEST OPPORTUNITY OF THE 21st CENTURY, its called theDirect Selling Industry (or Network Marketing).
This industry represents the last chance for the small guyto persue the American Dream.
This industry does not discriminate, it does not put a limiton your income, and each company must help its people succeedin order for it to succeed.
It is like a McDonald's franchise, without the Million Dollarprice tag!
So I ask you again,
If you want change, and you haven't visited the website, Ichallenge you now, WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU WAITING ON?!
Go now to this website:http://www.paperchaser.info
Thank you,Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser,Expert Author Ezinearticles.comFounder Morrison & AssociatesFounding Member Success UniversityVoted 2005 Outstanding Business Graduate
Friday, October 17, 2008
Are You a 'Digital Native?' | Newsweek Tech and Business | Newsweek.com
Are You a 'Digital Native?' Newsweek Tech and Business Newsweek.com
This is a great article about how our brains are being conditioned by the digital information that we process on a regular basis.
This is interesting because in my latest article I was talking about a new metaphor that I use. Its called the "Mind Auto-responder".
The main thrust of the article is our ability to condition our brains in the ways that we 'choose'. For most of us we are conditioned by our environment and society. Many times our conditioning has 'hardwired' us, so to speak, for failure. Or, if we were lucky, we didn't fail, but still are not expressing ourselves freely (especially in our finances and lifestyles).
Now we see in this Newsweek Article another example of our minds being conditioned by an outside agent.
The person who is on the path of Personal Development is for the most part 'STANDING ON GUARD AT THE DOOR OF HIS MIND.' Allowing only that which he inspects and chooses to pass the gate. He is a person who is on the path of realizing a goal and simply will not allow anything to influence him, that does not expidite the attainment of his DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE!
Sorry! I got kind of excited by this article I am recommending to you. Its that good! I can actually feel the vibrations in my brain speeding up.
Good Day,
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
This is a great article about how our brains are being conditioned by the digital information that we process on a regular basis.
This is interesting because in my latest article I was talking about a new metaphor that I use. Its called the "Mind Auto-responder".
The main thrust of the article is our ability to condition our brains in the ways that we 'choose'. For most of us we are conditioned by our environment and society. Many times our conditioning has 'hardwired' us, so to speak, for failure. Or, if we were lucky, we didn't fail, but still are not expressing ourselves freely (especially in our finances and lifestyles).
Now we see in this Newsweek Article another example of our minds being conditioned by an outside agent.
The person who is on the path of Personal Development is for the most part 'STANDING ON GUARD AT THE DOOR OF HIS MIND.' Allowing only that which he inspects and chooses to pass the gate. He is a person who is on the path of realizing a goal and simply will not allow anything to influence him, that does not expidite the attainment of his DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE!
Sorry! I got kind of excited by this article I am recommending to you. Its that good! I can actually feel the vibrations in my brain speeding up.
Good Day,
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Mind Autoresponder Can help you build the Business
What If You Had A Autoresponder for Your Mind?
Hey, just imagine that for a moment, would you?
What is a Autoresponder?
Well, I don’t have a dictionary at the time of this writing. (I am
Embarrassed to admit that).
But let’s try to explain the term. The Autoresponder is a tool that
Internet Marketers use to help them follow up with potential customers or as a way to manage an online newsletter. You could also use it to keep your downline organization trained and updated.
It is so powerful, because you can really leverage your time. The autoresponder can automatically follow-up with prospects each day or at different intervals.
I was talking to a friend the other day who has been studying philosophy and metaphysics nearly all of his life. He even went on to obtain a post graduate degree in Philosophy. He is one of my best friends. In part because of his Metaphysical Outlook on life. (Did that make sense?) We frequently discuss philosophical issues as they relate to our challenges with life. He said that he had so internalized the principles that he always has the “Metaphysical Attitude”. He said that it had become 2nd nature.
I am not sure exactly what he meant. From what I gathered he gave me the impression that he was slacking on his personal growth study. But, afterward I realized that he is a Professor who teaches Social Sciences, in particular Sociology.
I realized he is always looking at these concepts about how the society influences the individual. Or vice versa, how the individual can influence his reality, or his society. He is getting his daily dose of study because he is teaching it!
Wait a Minute, Dion. You where are you going with this?
I remember Jim Rohn saying that he remembered seeing a picture with John Wooden. The coach who has won more NCAA Basketball Championships than anyone in history! Yet here he was at the front row of a basketball clinic TAKING NOTES!!!!
Hey, this guy doesn’t have to take lessons from anyone, yet there he was doing the disciplines. He constantly must have stayed on the alert for the next bit of information that was new or that had been forgotten, yet still retained its relevance.
This must have been one of the reasons WHY he was the best. What does that say about the rest of us average joes?
I don’t have a auto responder, but I have something that is similar and even more powerful! I have the subconscious mind. And I understand the principle of Auto-Suggestion. With these tools and this understanding, I can essentially have my mind automatically produce the Metaphysical Attitude. I can see the underlying principles instead of just the superficial.
For me it’s the Principles of Personal Acheivement and the Law of Attraction. I am conditioning my mind to become “Success Conscious” and “Money Conscious”.
By reading everything I can possibly get my hands on.
Well, not everything. I am focusing my study on Personal Growth as always, but I am also doing research on Network Marketing/Direct Selling on the Internet.
I am at the point now that most of what I read is re-worked information. At least that is what it looks like on the “Surface”.
In truth, each reading has the potential to change your understanding of the principle. AND THAT COULD BE THE ONE IDEA THAT CHANGES YOUR LIFE FOREVER. Or maybe its the one key you have been missing to taking your business to the next level.
Always study.
Read new and diverse writers.
Be expecting a deeper understanding each time you recognize a principle you ‘already knew’.
And as Anthony Robbins would say, as soon as you learn something new, APPLY IT!
I hope you like the new metaphor of “The Mind Autoresponder”.
Use it with this understanding:
We use the Autoresponder because it follows up with prospects. Keeping us and our offer in front of them and on their minds. We know that it typically takes from 5 to 10 contacts before the prospect even looks at the offer.
Think about that one in relation to the Principle of Auotsuggestion.
Thanks again for reading.
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser,
Expert Author Ezinearticles.com
Founding Member Success University
Founder Morrison & Associates
Voted 2005 Outstanding Business Graduate
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ten Ways to Increase Your Business Sales
10 Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales
1. When you make your first sale, follow-up with the
customer. You could follow-up with a "thank you"
email and include an advertisement for other products
you sell. You could follow-up every few months.
2. You could upsell to your customers. When they're
at your order page, tell them about a few extra related
products you have for sale. They could just add it to
their original order.
3. Tell your customers if they refer four customers to
your web site, they will receive a full rebate of their
purchase price. This will turn one sale into three sales.
4. When you sell a product, give your customers the
option of joining an affiliate program so they can make
commissions selling your product. This will multiply
the sale you just made.
5. Sell the reprint/reproduction rights to your products.
You could include an ad on or with the product for
other products you sell. You could make sales for the
reproduction rights and sales on the back end product.
6. You could cross promote your product with other
businesses' products in a package deal. You can
include an ad or flyer for other products you sell and
have other businesses selling for you.
7. When you ship out or deliver your product, include
a coupon for other related products you sell in the
package. This will attract them to buy more products
from you.
8. Send your customers a catalog of add-on products
for the original product they purchased. This could be
upgrades, special services, attachments, etc. If they
enjoy your product they will buy the extra add-ons.
9. Sell gift certificates for your products. You'll make
sales from the purchase of the gift certificate, when
the recipient cashes it in. They could also buy other
items from your web site.
10. Send your customers free products with their
product package. The freebies should have your ad
printed on them. It could be bumper stickers, ball
caps, t-shirts etc. This will allow other people to see
your ad and order.
Dion Morrison,
Expert Author
Voted Outstanding Business Graduate for 2005
Founder Morrison & Associates
Founding Member of Success University
Founder of "the Paperchaser.info"
Monday, September 15, 2008
First Lehman Brothers, Then Meryll Lynch
Can you believe these huge, "wall street icons" have declared bankruptcy?
Its just anothe example of how our economy is changing dramatically.
The news report I saw said there were approximately 25,000 people who may be without jobs!
There simply is no security in our old corporate business model. At least not like in the past. That's why I have dedicated my life to building a thriving business for myself and my family. This must be the only security left for the small guy!
I start my last online venture with less than 200.00 dollars cash!
Just remember, not long ago Chrysler cut about 13,000 jobs and I personally saw 2 companies in Oklahoma pack up and close the doors and move to Mexico! How many jobs were lost by the Quikset and Wrangler employees in Oklahoma?
What are we waiting for?
The time to get started is now!
Join the Paperchaser as we LEARN AND EARN OUR OWN FORTUNES!
Thanks again,
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser
Expert Author
Founder Morrison & Associates
Founder www.paperchaser.info
Voted Outstanding Business Graduate for 2005
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Battle For Website Traffic
Here is yet another article that can increase your revenue. Ask yourself this question. Can I become an Expert in my chosen field? I have decided to become that Independent Scholar. I have decided to be one of the "go to " guys in this industry. How about you? What about a Master Mind Alliance? Share your experience and hope, here.
This article is written by:
Richard Martin
What if you didn't have to work at getting traffic to your website? What if other people built your traffic for you? Don't think it's possible?...To tell you the truth, it's simple to accomplish.This might seem like totally new information.The funny part is that it is only about 1/10th as hard as it is to try and get organic SEO traffic, given the competition online today. You might be confused now, but keep reading...It all relates to one key element of ANY business: no matter what you are selling, you must pay attention to:THE VALUE YOU PROVIDEIn fact, this is they key to 90% of all OFFLINE businesses' success too. The best stuff rises to the top in ALL markets. People who are impressed by a purchase tell their friends. And they tell their friends. The chain continues. Cars are a fantastic market to show this in action.Honda started importing cars to the United States in the 1970s. At first, the cars weren't as good as other models. But they kept at it, kept researching consumer tastes & preferences. And most importantly, kept improving their PRODUCT. Not with extra bells and whistles that only interest dorky engineers. But, by offering real value that the consumer actually consumed.Did Honda market their cars better? NO WAY!So what's the reason for Honda selling so many Accords every year? It's simple. Their reputation for QUALITY speaks for itself. There is a great value proposition for the average consumer.Think about it: You can pay more than $25,000 for a car that won't last more than 60,000 miles. Or instead, you can buy a new Accord that's going to last twice as long with no hassles in between. Now, here comes the word of mouth effect:You will start spreading the word about the great value you got in the Accord to make yourself look better. What the car is like, how LITTLE you paid in relation to the car's cost, and everything else you can think of.In turn this makes YOU appear more valuable to your friends.The online world isn't THAT different than the offline world. Your website traffic is people. And links are made by other webmasters (who are people too!). You won't be able to stop people from linking to your site and visiting it IF it really is excellent.The reality is that new sites come out & totally wreck the feeble competition in categories that are supposedly too competitive. Every day! Why? Because their site is better, serves their customers better & people spread the news quick.OK, but what should be YOUR plan?Really develop your website's content. If your site is about mortgages, make it the #1 looking, #1 functioning ,& #1 value producing site in your market. Make it a true category killer.Figure out how to get the best mortgage content in the world and post it along with mortgage calculators & AMAZING tips on lowering payments.Create a REALLY quality directory on the best mortgage resources online. Build it & gather the information personally. Serve the customer better than anyone else does.Figure what your market is after and give them so much that they tell others. FOR FREE!What would you rather have anyway? 1 person (YOU) building links or your satisfied prospects building them for you?Offer the best stuff you can get your hands on, or write it personally if necessary.Post great content with high excellent value. Surf the site yourself. Ask: Would you surf this site? Fix it until you would. Make it your homepage & don't quit until you are getting 500,000 visitors a day.
Brought to you by:
Dion Morrisn, the Paperchaser,
Master Internet Marketer
Expert Author
Voted: O.S.U. 2005 "Outstanding Business Graduate"
The Secret Talisman Grandma Gave You
As I was checking the back office for my stats and doing some personal research on Personal Growth, I wondered what would be a good follow up to my last few articles?
If you have read my most recent blogs and articles, you know the theme is "Persistence". We went beyond Persistence with a discussion of Desire. We then visited the Subconscious Mind and Goal Setting. But, what is that thing that stands in back of them all? What can move you without any doubts and fears about the possible outcome?
Now, we get to the one thing that will determine the extent of your Persistence. This is the key to you persisting in the face of your fear. This is that Master Key to open the door to your Self Confidence. What is that thing?
I cannot say just yet.
I will give you the story of "the Talisman". (An excerpt from, The Secret of the Ages, by Robert Collier)
"Do you remember the picture Harold Lloyd was in some years ago, showing a country boy who was afraid of his shadow? Every boy in the countryside bedeviled hm. Until one day his grandmother gave him a talisman, that she assured him his grandfather had carried through the Civil War and which, so she said, had the property of making its owner invincible. Nothing could hurt him, she told him, while he wore this talisman. Nothing could stand up against him. (key=>) He believed her! And the next time the bully of the town started to cuff him around, he wiped up the earth with him. And that was only the start. Before the year was out he had made a reputation as the most daring soul in the community.
Then, when his grandmother felt he was thoroughly cured, she told him the truth---that the 'talisman' was merely a piece of old junk she had picked up by the roadside----that she knew all he needed was FAITH IN HIMSELF, belief that he could do these things."
What is the moral story?
Many of us know that we can rarely 'do' a thing, without 1st believing that we can do it.
How many of us live life with this type of Faith?
When it comes to creating and building a business, we need this type of faith. Especially in the begining. Especially in the Network Marketing or Direct Selling industry.
Here is another question, that warrants deep thought. What if you knew that the Network Marketing Co. you chose, had created many top earners? Would that add to your belief? What if you knew that the Industry of Direct Selling/Network Marketing had produced "Hundreds" of Home-based Business Millionaires?
Well, you alreay know that. And if you don't, you can verify what I am saying. Right now the Direct Selling/Network Marketing Industry generates over 30 BILLION DOLLARS per year! And over 100 BILLION DOLLARS WORLDWIDE!
You can only do what you believe that you can do.
This applies to Business as well as to Life.
In Business, you believe in the System that your company has created to produce Success. In life, you believe in the Universal Laws or Spiritual Laws, that have been handed down by the 'Greatest Teachers' known to man.
Next, you believe that you can learn the system and follow it. Which is just another way of saying I have confidence that 'I' can learn the system. I trust that I can start from where I am, and gain the knowledge and skill I need, if I PERSISTENTLY PRACTICE.
As Zig Ziglar puts it, 'Anything worth doing is worth doing badly at first.'
You don't have to believe me. Test what you have seen here in your life. You can verify it for yourself.
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser,
Master Internet Marketer
Expert Author
Voted O.S.U. 2005 "Outstanding Business Graduate"
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Law of Attraction, Subconscious Mind & Goal Setting
Yet another great article on creating success through Goal-Setting. I am personally setting more goals in my businesses. Yes, I said businesses in the plural. Multiple Streams of Income are the ultimate business goals for me. If you stay tuned, you will gain access to some of these ideas and programs. For more information sign up for my email newsletter listed on the right hand side of this blog. In that newsletter, you will recieve updates on blogs, articles, marketing tools and business opportunities. Well, let's get started with this great article.
Written by,
Stephen Campbell
The basics of Goal Setting is an open secret known by top-caliber athletes, successful businessmen and businesswomen and all types of achievers in all the different fields from politics to acting. Accessing the subconscious mind and firmly implanting your goals there is critical to ensuring you will achieve those goals. Getting to grips with setting goals and invoking the law of attraction will give you short-term and long-term motivation and focus. They will help you set focus on the acquisition of required knowledge and help you to plan and organize your resources and your time so that you can get the best out of your life.Consider this : The one thing high acheivers and self made millionaires have in common is the mastery of their minds - the most direct path to developing such mental mastery is to get to grips with your subconscious mind , Each one of us have billions and billions of brain cells at our disposal to aid us with our goal setting , Our subconscious mind is at work twenty four hours a day controlling our digestive systems as well as our breathing - we should take advantage of this knowledge to get the law of attraction working for us.With goal setting it is of paramount importance to invoke the law of attraction. By using the marvelous power that can be unleashed with the correct use of your subconscious mind you can bring more wealth, more happiness and more joy into your life starting today. Positive thinking plays a very big role in goal setting and the achievement of those goals. Your dominant thoughts gets embedded into your subconscious mind and therefore these dominant thoughts end up becoming your reality as by default your thoughts are responsible for invoking the law of attraction and bringing coincidences and circumstances into your life. To control our thoughts it is important to use as many tools as possible which are available at our disposal such as the use of subliminal recordings.Here are some pointers to assist you in moving towards your goals :-1. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Every time you hit on something that may appear too extreme, why not give it a shot and see if it will work. 2. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way. Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude, away from poverty consciousness.Consider this : One neuron in your brain may be linked to as many as 50000 others; the brain is estimated to contain over 100 trillion connections. The total number of connections is higher than the number of atoms in the universe. Why not take advantage of this resource invoke the law of attraction and use your subconscious mind to aid in your goal setting ?To start achieving your lifetime dreams by using goal setting, harnessing the power of your subconscious mind and invoking the law of attraction, set a quarter of a century plan, then break it down to 5 year plans then break it down again to 1 year plans, then 6 month plans then monthly plans, then weekly, then daily. Then create a things-to-do list for the day. Always review your plans and prepare for contingencies. The basics of goal setting should not be so difficult once you get to be familiar with them and with the use of subliminal recording you can readily address various areas of your life.
Submitted by,
Dion Morrison, the Paperchaser,
Master Internet Marketer
Expert Author
Voted O.S.U. 2005 "Outstanding Business Graduate"
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Best Way to Generate Free Targeted Website Traffic
I was doing my 'due diligence', studying the industry and I was blessed to find a great article on the most fascinating subject. Take the time to read this article and actually apply the tips in your business.
by, James Yee
Without traffic, you won't get visitors. And without visitors, you won't make money, sales, get subscribers, etc. What good is a website without any traffic? And if the site is getting traffic, what good is it if its not targeted traffic?
There are many ways to drive traffic to your site, both free and paid. But, we are not going to talk about paid traffic right now. That is a totally different topic and could take hours to cover.
So, back to free traffic. Some ways of getting free traffic to your site is by Search Engine Optimization, surfing for traffic or getting it passively.
SEO takes time and a lot of work. When you join sites that are surf for traffic sites, you have to look at other members' sites in order to earn advertising credits for your site to be displayed when another member is surfing.
The only problem with this is that although the traffic is free, it is not targeted. Everyone who is a member only surfs for the credit and very rarely even looks at the site, they just minimize their window on their PC and multi task. So, the traffic is crap and worthless.
Now, let's talk about the best way to get free targeted traffic. Its called Instant Buzz. Instant Buzz is a service that gives you advertising credits as you surf the web like you normally would. What you do is download the toolbar for free, it only takes a minute. Then, you set up your ads in the members area. And bam! Your ads are being displayed on other members' tool bars as they surf.
You can also put Instant Buzz ads in emails that you send to your friends. These are called mail space ades. And your ad will get displayed in other members' emails. The last thing you can do is put a hyperspace ad on your website which will help you refer other members.
When you refer other members, you will also get a percentage of the credits they earn which will go towards your ad credits.
If someone likes your ad and is interested in what it says, then they click on it and end up on whatever site it was that you were promoting. Now that's targeted traffic! And it was free.
So make sure you visit the link in the resource box to start driving targeted and quality traffic to your website today. It will only take you a couple of minutes to start bringing visitors to your site.
Reprint from:
Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org
Brought to you by,
Dion, the Paperchaser,
Master Internet Marketer
Expert Author
Voted O.S.U. 2005 "Outstanding Business Graduate"
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Pursuit of ..................................
Hello everyone,
I was close to watching a movie when they play a preview of the movie, "The Pursuit of Happiness".
Well, I got a great idea for a post on my blog. The quote, 'Don't let anybody tell you, you can't do anything, not even me.' Great quote, to say the least. But, it fit right in with what I had read earlier in Napolean Hill's classic book, "Think and Grow Rich". The chapter was on Persistence. In it he kept repeating that it is the person who is most persistent, that has the greatest production. He even says, that if you must possess this trait because, it goes hand in hand with the first one, mainly DESIRE.
And guess what? I am sure you can see it already, if you are a student of the Success Philosophy. The Stronger your Desire, the Greater your Persistence, and guess what? You guessed it, your faith is directly related to both desire and persistence. Can you see how each one of the principles in the Law of Success depend on the others?
In my own personal opinion, I believe that Desire alone can drive a man toward success. Probaly because it will continue to move or motivate a man to take action. Isn't that the one thing most of us a lacking? Motivation! If a "motive" is the cause for one's action, then it follows that we need a strong motive. For many a successful man, the motive or cause is that thing that he DESIRES most. Isn't it safe to assume that if I desire something enough, I will take action toward the attainment of my desire?
This is what we call in Network Marketing, "YOUR REASON WHY".
"If your Why doesn't make you cry, it probaly isn't strong enough"
If you haven't found your WHY, you probaly ought to start here.
Stephen Covey refers to it as, "Finding your Voice". In his book he says the challenge today is to 'find your voice and inspire others to find their.'
He goes on to say, "There is a deep, innate, almost inexpressible yearning within each of us to find our voice in life." (from: Success from Home, vol. 1 issue 2 , and the reference is to his new book titled, "The 8th Habit, from Effectiveness to Greatness").
Wow, this blog is a good example of what can happen when your awareness is raised. When it is your subconscious mind can pinpoint something and translate it (at lightning speed) into a way for you to achieve your 'Definite Major Purpose'.
Once again, if you haven't figured it out, this blog is for increasing the knowledge, wisdom, understanding and income of its readers. It is another twist to the Mastermind Principle. Join us, as we grow and go!
Thanks again,
Dion, the Paperchaser
9 Tips to Drive Internet Traffic to Your Website Which You Can't Afford to Overlook
By: Jullie Harvard
You have set up a website with very useful information that you think it will benefit your visitors. Day to days, you keep update the latest information and publishing articles; hoping people will visit your website and found your useful information. But day in day out you check your website traffic stats, there are no one comment and your website has very low impressions. Why it’s like that? There reason is nobody knows your website. There are thousand of hundreds of website on internet, you put your website on internet but who will know your website if you not announce it. Yes, you need to drive the traffic to your website, but how?Here are 10 tips in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to get traffic moving to your website. 1. Submit or Add Your Site to Major Search Engines Search engines submission will increase your Page Ranking and when your web page is ranked in a high ranking positions, your website will be easily searched and seen by internet users if your pages are meeting their relevant search keyword. Focus on major search engines such as Yahoo, Google and MSN. Don’t use the free submission service or fee submission which will submit to many search engines because those services might hurt your page ranking as many has banned by major search engines such as Yahoo and Google. 2. Pay-per-click (CPC) Marketing If you marketing budget is sufficient, you could use Pay-per-click (CPC) marketing service provided by Google (Google Adwords) & Yahoo. CPC is one of very effective way to drive traffic to your website. 3. Audio Postcard for email marketing Internet has been for a short time but it has gone through various revolutions, today, silence web now can start talking and help you to promote your website. AudioGenerator.com is one of leader in providing integrated human voice audio clip which you can be added to your website and email. Because the human voice has the power to influence, motivate, and persuade prospects to click "Order Now" buttons faster and with less resistance. AudioGenerator.com also has audio postcard which can help you drive significant traffic to your website. We had tried the audio postcard of AudioGenerator.com to drive traffic to our website at studykiosk.com, it a proven method. 4. Press Announcement Making press announcement can be one of effective method of create backlinks to your website and it really help in your page ranking positions. Website like prweb.com provide FREE press announcement service, you can utilize it to drive traffic to your website. 5. Articles Submission Articles submission to article bank is one of the best ways to expose your website to the public. There are many visitors drop by these sites to look for related information and your articles might be among their search results. 6. Trade Link Request & One Way Incoming Links One of the search engines optimization is to have as many as possible the incoming links to your website. You could request trade links or link exchanges with other webmaster. One way incoming link is other website link to yours without the need of you to link to them. If you website has useful information to other website, they probably will add a link to their website to link to yours. There many website which provide one-way links service, but almost all of them are need monthly or year subscription fee. 7. RSS Feed Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to. The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. 8. Viral Marketing Viral marketing is another way of say “word-of-mouth”. On internet, “word-of-mouth” spread so fast thru email. The key to successful of viral marketing is to send out something that people want to share. That can be anything from a joke, funny story or link to home-made video. 9. Blogs & Forums Blogs & forums invite comments from readers and most of them will allow you to leave a link in your signature line. One of way to create backlinks and drive traffic to your website.
Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org
You are invited to visit Scott's blog on Web 2.0 Traffic to learn how to drive traffic in Web 2.0 world. Visit Easy Web Video Creation to learn about how to make internet friendly video easily for your video marketing.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Review: The Death of Network Marketing
Hi Again...
dion here...
I just got an email about Ellie Drake's and Mike Filsaime's Free Report called - "The Death of NetworkMarketing"
I will admit, like you may also be feeling now, that I thought it was some hyped up offer to get me to buy something...
...Turns out I was wrong. Way wrong.
The bottom line is, this report really opened my eyes that Network Marketing may be dying.
When I read this, I immediately thought of sharing it on my blog
The times are changing for us and it would be a shame for you or anyone to not read this report and fail like many will.
I read it, and I wanted to share it with you ASAP.
I recommend you take a break from whatever it is you are doing if you can and get access to this report now.
Consider your future success by going here now...
PS - Mike and Ellie say it will only be available for a few days or so, so do not delay...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
7 reasons to start your home based business
If you ever thought of owning your own business, here are some great reasons to start right now! You were probaly worrying about whether you would lose money or not, right? Well, forget that nonsense today. Consider these reasons:
1. Employ your kids within your business and you can pay them tax free! That's tax free to them and to you too. How much? $4,400 per year.
2. If you drive your vehicle to do business, you can deduct part of the expenses. As long as you conduct some business before the trip and along the route, to and from your destination. This is easy for us Network Marketers, MLMer's and Home Based Business folks.
How much? (as of 2005) 40.5 cents per mile
3. All telecommunications expenses (except for residential service) such as long distance, call waiting, call forwarding, 3-way calling, internet, pagers cellular phones etc. can be deducted 100% if they are business related.
4. Travel expenses could be deductible for the entire family by properly structuring and planning your travel itinerary around business activities.
5. You can employ your spouse and supply them with a 100% Medical Reimbursement Plan as an employee benefit. This would make 100% of all your medical, dental and optical expenses such as premiums or partial premiums, deductibles, co pays, prescriptions, teeth maintenance and repair, braces, contacts, eyeglasses, etc. (for your spouse that is employed and their entire family, which includes you the business owner!
6. Deduct the business use portion (%) of all expenses associated with your house and or apartment such as mortgage or rent, utilities, improvements and or repairs, insurance, real estate taxes, security systems, lawn care, etc.
7. Deduct 50% of all entertainment and meals when in the activity of conducting or discussing business.
Hey, these are just a FEW of the many tax deductions available to you in a Sole Proprietor home based business. Of course, you need to visit a tax professional to get the details on each of these deductions.
There you have it! Are you still debating whether you should start your own business? I just made it a little easier for you.
Thank you again for reading. Don't forget to consider the great opportunities at my website too.
Friday, March 21, 2008
RE: Want Free Targeted Website Traffic?http://www.InstantBuzz.com/r/?dionjmIf you are looking for a great way to get somefree traffic to your website, well look no further.
Instant Buzz allows you to drive free targeted traffic to your website just by doing what you doanyway; surfing the web. Visit below:http://www.InstantBuzz.com/r/?dionjmWithin minutes, this breakthrough patent pendingtechnology will be sending quality visitors to yoursite just because you installed the software ontoyour computer.
Download this awesome tool now:http://www.InstantBuzz.com/r/?dionjmThanks,dion
The Secret
I just got through watching the DVD, "The Secret".
Wow, I need to watch this DVD everyday!
How do you keep your focus on what you desire and not what you don't want?
The Secret keeps refering to the idea that we hear all the time in Direct Selling and Network Marketing. It is Personal Growth. We need to watch our thoughts and our feelings. But, in order to continue to have these thoughts, we need to fill our mind with these inspirational thoughts.
There is one other idea that is right on point. That idea is visualization. This is a skill, that you must practice on a regular basis. Now, what is interesting abolut the secret is that it reveals the fact that we don't have to know 'the how'. The teachers are saying that the Universe is responsible for creating the HOW.
I know this stuff, but it is so easy to get caught up in the everyday tasks that we must complete. This is what got my attention! I realized that I must make the time to do this personal growth and visualization. I must become an expert at using The Law of Attraction, and I must do it as soon as possible. For some reason, I lost that sense of urgency that I had when I came back to Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Today, I am encouraging you to take these ideas and use them in your life. If you haven't seen the DVD or read the book The Secret go and get it as soon as possible. It will change your life.
thanks again
How did he Succeed?
I was sitting here surfing the my space chat rooms and I realized something. In the background I had some Prepaidlegal success stories going. Then it hit me! All of these guys have gone through some great and sometimes painful struggle! They all went through some moments of pain and maybe doubt. They all had those people who did not support them and in many cases actively attacked them. Yet, in each case they never gave up. They continued to move forward with their goal in mind.
Now, that was the success stories. But the myspace forum was talking about how the MLM industry has gotten a bad wrap. Why? Because, many people have not caught on to the relationship side of Networking. They described it as the 'Hit and Run', technique. But, is this truly the problem?
Is it necessary to build the relationships?
That seems to be the IDEAL. But don't we sometimes get stuck on the 'ideal' and forget the reality. The reality is that, most people don't want to build relationships as much as they want to build the large incomes. Is this the ideal situation? No. But, is it the reality? Yes.
I personally would like to have many friends. I would like to spend time with those many friends. But, quess what? I don't have the time to spend with the friends and family I have now! Why? Because, I don't have the freedom to do so. Why? Because I don't have the income to buy back my time! Its a catch-22 so to speak. The whole idea behind Network Marketing is the leveraging of your time and efforts. The keyword being, leverage of TIME.
Okay, back to the title. How did he do it? He understood that he would have to grow the business, no matter what other people did or said. He wanted to build relationships, but he was on a mission to create a dream. So, he had to limit his time with certain people (if not many). He could not afford to spend as much time with many recruits because, the catch phrase is, 'work with the willing.' Time is of the essence. He knew he had no time to waste, yet he knew he must allow time to do what it does. All of this had to be allowed to become, while he maintained a laser like focus. A focus that probaly made him out to be rude. Some called him a sell out, but he knew he would have to sell out in order to leave out so he could come back and help out! (Darnell Self) And all of these things he had to determine for himself, what was acceptable and what was the middle road.
The truth is, no one can say that you must do it this way or that way. Each person is a independent business owner. This means that they must decide what is acceptable for their journey. Am I saying that now everything is Subjective? No, there are still principles involved. But, each person must apply these principles to their own life and business. This is what makes it so interesting. This is what gives life its color. This is why people from all walks of life can succeed in the Network Marketing Industry (a.k.a. Direct Selling). This is why each journey is unique. Each success story is unique. Each story has value. Each person has a story to write and create along the journey of their success.
How did he succeed?
Ask him or her. Listen. And see what parts are similar to the others' stories. Therein you will find the principles.
Once again, the principle seems to be, PERSISTENCE.
The key to persistence, is the constant journey toward PERSONAL GROWTH!
thank you again........................
Thursday, March 20, 2008
--------EDGAR A. GUEST
from "A Heap o'Livin'
--------EDGAR A. GUEST
from "A Heap o'Livin'
Hello again. I was sitting and combing the internet, looking for new ways to promote my blog and my online business. There is a wealth of information on the internet. Actually, there is too much information. But, I remember something I learned when I first started to study the personal growth field.
While I was studying, it became clear that much of what had been written in the field was not new. I began to see many of the same things over and over again. The truth is that I begin to think that maybe I had learned it all. I began to think that I could learn very little from reading other authors. I also found that I could not stop looking. Everytime I saw a new book that caught my eye, I wanted to read it. Was I surprised? No, not at all! Yet, I noticed something. The more I read others' perspectives, the more I understood the same concepts. It was a revelation for me. Each author had a unique way of telling the story! It was now clear to me that I could continue to learn and gain deeper insight into the workings of the universe, if I continues to study.
I also got another hint about this idea, when I saw others who had latched on to one teaching or one book and stopped there. These people had become limited in their understanding! Yes, it is true! The more we talked, the more it became apparent that they had arrested their development. They had begun to dogmatically hold on to their belief, and the result is that they were reluctant to look at other views. This is the problem with beliefs. As Anthony Robbins teaches, beliefs can create or they can destroy. Hence, the idea that is one of the basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming. That idea is, " THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY!". This idea is essential, because it constantly reinforces the idea that, many times we cannot see the actual truth because our minds are constantly re-interpreting all incoming information.
Now, I cannot go into great detail about this subject here and it would probaly not be a good idea. I would just like to encourage you to reflect on this concept. And if you happen to run across a copy of "Awaken the Giant Within", by Anthony Robbins, please pick it up. Because, we are always taking information about our world and then re-interpreting it, we can sometime forget that we don't always see the world EXACTLY AS IT IS.
Remember this idea and it will open your mind to the many different ideas that our creator has blessed us to recieve. Thanks, again.
While I was studying, it became clear that much of what had been written in the field was not new. I began to see many of the same things over and over again. The truth is that I begin to think that maybe I had learned it all. I began to think that I could learn very little from reading other authors. I also found that I could not stop looking. Everytime I saw a new book that caught my eye, I wanted to read it. Was I surprised? No, not at all! Yet, I noticed something. The more I read others' perspectives, the more I understood the same concepts. It was a revelation for me. Each author had a unique way of telling the story! It was now clear to me that I could continue to learn and gain deeper insight into the workings of the universe, if I continues to study.
I also got another hint about this idea, when I saw others who had latched on to one teaching or one book and stopped there. These people had become limited in their understanding! Yes, it is true! The more we talked, the more it became apparent that they had arrested their development. They had begun to dogmatically hold on to their belief, and the result is that they were reluctant to look at other views. This is the problem with beliefs. As Anthony Robbins teaches, beliefs can create or they can destroy. Hence, the idea that is one of the basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming. That idea is, " THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY!". This idea is essential, because it constantly reinforces the idea that, many times we cannot see the actual truth because our minds are constantly re-interpreting all incoming information.
Now, I cannot go into great detail about this subject here and it would probaly not be a good idea. I would just like to encourage you to reflect on this concept. And if you happen to run across a copy of "Awaken the Giant Within", by Anthony Robbins, please pick it up. Because, we are always taking information about our world and then re-interpreting it, we can sometime forget that we don't always see the world EXACTLY AS IT IS.
Remember this idea and it will open your mind to the many different ideas that our creator has blessed us to recieve. Thanks, again.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Spirituality Information: Life is a Process of Inquiry by Richard Blackstone
The quest for spirituality information requires you to inquire within for the answers you seek. There is no God or universe "out there". Your spiritual journey is one of seeking, attaining and then going beyond. Begin your journey by looking at the physical world that you have created.
We live in a relationship world. Everything in the physical universe is defined and categorized in relation to what it is not. Nothing is absolute except change.
The nature of the universe is a constant, on-going, never ending, moment to moment participation in change. The whole universe changes from nano second to nano second.
We, as individuals, change with every breath we take. Every cell in our body changes and it has been documented that in seven short years every cell of our body is different.
Life is change.
We aren't totally cognizant of this phenomenon because we live our lives at a vibratory level that allows the senses to slow down our perspective so that we view these on going changes at a slower pace. Although we can step back from this slower perspective and view this higher vibration self any time we desire, during our day to day living we usually choose not to do that. We are too caught up in our on going dramas to truly stop what we are doing and reflect on "what serves us."
The changes that we do see in life are recognized and analyzed through our five physical senses
of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. As we delve deeper into this exploration of change, we begin to understand that we also interpret our world through our metaphysical senses. This is where we get into those concepts that are known to us on a more esoteric level but to us nonetheless.
Concepts such as intuition, clairvoyance, second sight, deja' vu and synchronicity are also part of our makeup when we look at ourselves from a more detached perspective. When we allow ourselves to step back from this physical mass of skull and bones and skin and blood and guts and gray matter and lots of fluids we begin to understand that we are so much more than this physical, three dimensional body.
This is when we come to know that we are truly, at our essence, a three part being made up of mind, body and spirit.
That is who we really are.
We are three part beings living in a world of dualities. This statement alone goes a long way in explaining why we are not always "being what serves us." It is because we are not always being who we really are.
Who we really are is a three part being made up of mind, body and spirit. That is who we are. However, we live in a universe based in duality relationships, so most of us have carried that pervasive duality definition into how we define ourselves.
We tend to define ourselves as a two part being made up of a body and a mind. This makes sense because our "senses" are the tools we use for analyzing who we are and what we do. It makes sense to use our senses in this manner, doesn't it?
Unfortunately, we are only using our physical senses. But remember, who we really are is a three part being and we possess not only our physical senses but also our nonphysical and metaphysical senses.
What are these you ask? They are the mind and spirit part of this three part being that we really are. We are all triad beings living in world of dualities. Herein lies the crux of the troubles and turmoil in fortunately this is also our salvation from these very same troubles and turmoil.
We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective what this concept of our triad makeup is all about.
We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective what this concept of living in a world of dualities is all about.
We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective "what serves us" and "what does not serve us."
The answers to these questions and indeed, every question you have about life, are not found in the exterior world of physicality, they are found in the interior world of our spiritual self.
Go within and begin the process of awareness and understanding of "Who you really are" and continue this process as the universe sends you the answers.
About the Author
Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness and Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this Free report: "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com
We live in a relationship world. Everything in the physical universe is defined and categorized in relation to what it is not. Nothing is absolute except change.
The nature of the universe is a constant, on-going, never ending, moment to moment participation in change. The whole universe changes from nano second to nano second.
We, as individuals, change with every breath we take. Every cell in our body changes and it has been documented that in seven short years every cell of our body is different.
Life is change.
We aren't totally cognizant of this phenomenon because we live our lives at a vibratory level that allows the senses to slow down our perspective so that we view these on going changes at a slower pace. Although we can step back from this slower perspective and view this higher vibration self any time we desire, during our day to day living we usually choose not to do that. We are too caught up in our on going dramas to truly stop what we are doing and reflect on "what serves us."
The changes that we do see in life are recognized and analyzed through our five physical senses
of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. As we delve deeper into this exploration of change, we begin to understand that we also interpret our world through our metaphysical senses. This is where we get into those concepts that are known to us on a more esoteric level but to us nonetheless.
Concepts such as intuition, clairvoyance, second sight, deja' vu and synchronicity are also part of our makeup when we look at ourselves from a more detached perspective. When we allow ourselves to step back from this physical mass of skull and bones and skin and blood and guts and gray matter and lots of fluids we begin to understand that we are so much more than this physical, three dimensional body.
This is when we come to know that we are truly, at our essence, a three part being made up of mind, body and spirit.
That is who we really are.
We are three part beings living in a world of dualities. This statement alone goes a long way in explaining why we are not always "being what serves us." It is because we are not always being who we really are.
Who we really are is a three part being made up of mind, body and spirit. That is who we are. However, we live in a universe based in duality relationships, so most of us have carried that pervasive duality definition into how we define ourselves.
We tend to define ourselves as a two part being made up of a body and a mind. This makes sense because our "senses" are the tools we use for analyzing who we are and what we do. It makes sense to use our senses in this manner, doesn't it?
Unfortunately, we are only using our physical senses. But remember, who we really are is a three part being and we possess not only our physical senses but also our nonphysical and metaphysical senses.
What are these you ask? They are the mind and spirit part of this three part being that we really are. We are all triad beings living in world of dualities. Herein lies the crux of the troubles and turmoil in fortunately this is also our salvation from these very same troubles and turmoil.
We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective what this concept of our triad makeup is all about.
We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective what this concept of living in a world of dualities is all about.
We, as individuals and as societies, need to understand from a larger, clearer perspective "what serves us" and "what does not serve us."
The answers to these questions and indeed, every question you have about life, are not found in the exterior world of physicality, they are found in the interior world of our spiritual self.
Go within and begin the process of awareness and understanding of "Who you really are" and continue this process as the universe sends you the answers.
About the Author
Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness and Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this Free report: "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Today's Top Headlines do not Inspire!
Whether its American Idol's Guide, Tony Hawk's next business endeavor or the latest in Mortgage Crisis, I am at a loss.
I just do not see how any of this is relevant to me and my goals!
March madness is picking up speed.
The Federal Aviation Administration inspectors are involved in an investigation about an alleged "letting Southwest Airlines slide", on some safety tests.
One headline reads, Market @ the edge of more pain, but just below it, '08 Graduates will see a hot job market as baby boomers retire.
Wait a minute! Wasn't it only 1 month ago that we heard about an unexpected 17,000 jobs lost.
Oh yeah, don't forget about the "heated debate over Polar Bears and our Ecosystem".
There were services held in the name of the UNC student body president, who was slain not long ago.
There was also an Indian woman who was killed in a collision with a tour bus.
Next on the list is the 43rd anniversary of the day known as "bloody sunday." On that day in history, there was a violent battle on a bridge between marching protesters and police during the Civil Rights movement.
Okay, have you had enough?
Well, I have and it is only page 3 in section one, in a paper that has four sections. Imagine that!
Now, I said all that just to make a point. If this is the daily news and I am filling my mind with it, what can be the result? Remember the old saying, "garbage in garbage out". Well, I cannot allow my mind to indulge in this constant barrage of thoughts and ideas that don't support me or empower me to achieve my goal.
It has been said by Napolean Hill, in the Law of Success in 16 lessons, that one of the keys to "great achievments" is a consistent focus on that which is your innermost desire. Well, its more than that. We are talking about a desire that borders on the maniacal, fanatical or simply insane focus. Imagine if your mind was thoroughly saturated with your innermost desire. What if you knew your Definite Major Aim both inside and out? How would that affect your mind? The law of success says, that if you can do this, your subconscious mind will take over and do most of the work for you. Its like the time it took you to learn how to ride a bike. After some time your focus could take you to the point where you can ride a bike with no hands. How? Because, your subconscious mind handles all the details you have conditioned it to know. Now, this works the same way in any endeavor. You can call upon the subconscious mind to do much of the work you try to accomplish in vain, or with great effort.
This is the key to my whole talk today. Are you feeding your mind USA Today, or (insert name) Today? It is important to remember the phrase, "garbage in garbage out". Not that these stories are garbage, but the question is, are they able to move you toward your Definiter Major Purpose? Are they moving you toward your dream, or are they merely taking up the time you could use to grow into the person you must become in order to succeed in life? Ask yourself this question, how can I use this to empower me to improve the quality of my life? How can I use this to achieve my Definite Major Purpose? These are Power Questions, which is a principle I learned from Anthony Robbins in his book, " Awaken the Giant Within".
If you were hungry, there is some food for thought!
I just do not see how any of this is relevant to me and my goals!
March madness is picking up speed.
The Federal Aviation Administration inspectors are involved in an investigation about an alleged "letting Southwest Airlines slide", on some safety tests.
One headline reads, Market @ the edge of more pain, but just below it, '08 Graduates will see a hot job market as baby boomers retire.
Wait a minute! Wasn't it only 1 month ago that we heard about an unexpected 17,000 jobs lost.
Oh yeah, don't forget about the "heated debate over Polar Bears and our Ecosystem".
There were services held in the name of the UNC student body president, who was slain not long ago.
There was also an Indian woman who was killed in a collision with a tour bus.
Next on the list is the 43rd anniversary of the day known as "bloody sunday." On that day in history, there was a violent battle on a bridge between marching protesters and police during the Civil Rights movement.
Okay, have you had enough?
Well, I have and it is only page 3 in section one, in a paper that has four sections. Imagine that!
Now, I said all that just to make a point. If this is the daily news and I am filling my mind with it, what can be the result? Remember the old saying, "garbage in garbage out". Well, I cannot allow my mind to indulge in this constant barrage of thoughts and ideas that don't support me or empower me to achieve my goal.
It has been said by Napolean Hill, in the Law of Success in 16 lessons, that one of the keys to "great achievments" is a consistent focus on that which is your innermost desire. Well, its more than that. We are talking about a desire that borders on the maniacal, fanatical or simply insane focus. Imagine if your mind was thoroughly saturated with your innermost desire. What if you knew your Definite Major Aim both inside and out? How would that affect your mind? The law of success says, that if you can do this, your subconscious mind will take over and do most of the work for you. Its like the time it took you to learn how to ride a bike. After some time your focus could take you to the point where you can ride a bike with no hands. How? Because, your subconscious mind handles all the details you have conditioned it to know. Now, this works the same way in any endeavor. You can call upon the subconscious mind to do much of the work you try to accomplish in vain, or with great effort.
This is the key to my whole talk today. Are you feeding your mind USA Today, or (insert name) Today? It is important to remember the phrase, "garbage in garbage out". Not that these stories are garbage, but the question is, are they able to move you toward your Definiter Major Purpose? Are they moving you toward your dream, or are they merely taking up the time you could use to grow into the person you must become in order to succeed in life? Ask yourself this question, how can I use this to empower me to improve the quality of my life? How can I use this to achieve my Definite Major Purpose? These are Power Questions, which is a principle I learned from Anthony Robbins in his book, " Awaken the Giant Within".
If you were hungry, there is some food for thought!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
A Movie Review: "Awake"
Hey, I have just watched one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. It is called "Awake", starring Hayden Christensen, Jessica Alba and Terrence Howard. It is listed as a Blockbuster Exclusive. This movie starts out slow but, when the plot thickens, whew!
I cannot in good conscience, tell you much about the movie. It is that good of a movie. I could not be sure if I would reveal too much about the plot. If you like suspense and psychological thrillers, you must watch this one. You won't be disappointed.
What I learned from this movie, is you many times have a choice. The choice is whether you will live life or let others determine for you, if you will live. Will you cherish the life you have now, or will you chase after "Dead Sea Fruit". Take the time to love life! You only get one, as far as anyone can be certain.
I cannot in good conscience, tell you much about the movie. It is that good of a movie. I could not be sure if I would reveal too much about the plot. If you like suspense and psychological thrillers, you must watch this one. You won't be disappointed.
What I learned from this movie, is you many times have a choice. The choice is whether you will live life or let others determine for you, if you will live. Will you cherish the life you have now, or will you chase after "Dead Sea Fruit". Take the time to love life! You only get one, as far as anyone can be certain.
Persistence is a Master Key to success
How do you keep on trying to ahieve success, when you are constantly being bombarded with negative people?
One thing that keeps on coming up in my Personal Growth study is this word PERSISTENCE. I have heard it put in several different ways. Tom Watson said, " double your rate of failure." Anthony Robbins says that he became an expert speaker by doing 7 speeches a week, while his competition did 1 per week. He said that at the end of the year he had the equivalent of 7 years experience in proportion to the other speakers. What is the principle here?
It is simple enough. How long do you want success to take you? You can choose to succeed at a faster rate than others by taking massive action! It really is that simple. The key is to be so determined to achieve your goal, that you are willing to stay up late and wake up early. You need to have that "White hot burning desire", that Napolean Hill spoke about. You also need to constantly feed your mind the great information and stories of successful people. Why? Because, your belief level will rise with your study. And we already know that belief can eliminate doubt and fear. Delaurence said, "doubt bars the way."
If you want something, and that something has already been done, go to the person who has already achieved it and learn what they did to achieve that goal. It is called finding a role model, a coach or a mentor. But, what is happening is that you are learning the steps and modeling that success. And guess what? You are almost guaranteed to succeed, if you do not quit! If you are persistent and consistent, you will be successful! This is one of the great secrets of life. Take it and use it to grow and go! You can validate this idea in your own life, don't take my word for it. Thank you once again for your time.
One thing that keeps on coming up in my Personal Growth study is this word PERSISTENCE. I have heard it put in several different ways. Tom Watson said, " double your rate of failure." Anthony Robbins says that he became an expert speaker by doing 7 speeches a week, while his competition did 1 per week. He said that at the end of the year he had the equivalent of 7 years experience in proportion to the other speakers. What is the principle here?
It is simple enough. How long do you want success to take you? You can choose to succeed at a faster rate than others by taking massive action! It really is that simple. The key is to be so determined to achieve your goal, that you are willing to stay up late and wake up early. You need to have that "White hot burning desire", that Napolean Hill spoke about. You also need to constantly feed your mind the great information and stories of successful people. Why? Because, your belief level will rise with your study. And we already know that belief can eliminate doubt and fear. Delaurence said, "doubt bars the way."
If you want something, and that something has already been done, go to the person who has already achieved it and learn what they did to achieve that goal. It is called finding a role model, a coach or a mentor. But, what is happening is that you are learning the steps and modeling that success. And guess what? You are almost guaranteed to succeed, if you do not quit! If you are persistent and consistent, you will be successful! This is one of the great secrets of life. Take it and use it to grow and go! You can validate this idea in your own life, don't take my word for it. Thank you once again for your time.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
All you can do, is all you can do but.......
All you can do is all you can do but, all you can do is enough.
This title is the perfect quote for someone who is lacking faith. It was a perfect topic at my mastermind group. We spoke of fear, once again. How do you adopt the philosophy, that will keep you pressing on toward the goal?
It really is simple. Or, should I say it is easy to do, but easy not to do. That is a phrase that I borrowed from a book called, "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. That is the just of my article today. You can get all the knowledge you need in your local library. Every piece of knowledge known to mankind, is contained in your local library. Thousands of years of lessons learned the hard way, are contained in books. But, guess what? How many people take advantage of the library? How many take advantage of our FREE public education system?
If there was a way for you to learn from the wisest men in the history of the world, would you sit in that classroom? Would you show up to class, everyday it was scheduled? You say yes, but what are you doing each day? You could read the equivalent of 10 books in a year, if you only read 10 PAGES per day! This is how simple it can be! Do you want more from life? Make it a habit to sit down at the feet of the greatest thinkers the world has ever known.
Make the committment to read 10 pages of a good book everyday for one year. Here are some very powerful books: Think & Grow Rich, How to Win Friends & Influence People, The Secret of the Ages, The Master Key System..........
Try these out for starters.
This title is the perfect quote for someone who is lacking faith. It was a perfect topic at my mastermind group. We spoke of fear, once again. How do you adopt the philosophy, that will keep you pressing on toward the goal?
It really is simple. Or, should I say it is easy to do, but easy not to do. That is a phrase that I borrowed from a book called, "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. That is the just of my article today. You can get all the knowledge you need in your local library. Every piece of knowledge known to mankind, is contained in your local library. Thousands of years of lessons learned the hard way, are contained in books. But, guess what? How many people take advantage of the library? How many take advantage of our FREE public education system?
If there was a way for you to learn from the wisest men in the history of the world, would you sit in that classroom? Would you show up to class, everyday it was scheduled? You say yes, but what are you doing each day? You could read the equivalent of 10 books in a year, if you only read 10 PAGES per day! This is how simple it can be! Do you want more from life? Make it a habit to sit down at the feet of the greatest thinkers the world has ever known.
Make the committment to read 10 pages of a good book everyday for one year. Here are some very powerful books: Think & Grow Rich, How to Win Friends & Influence People, The Secret of the Ages, The Master Key System..........
Try these out for starters.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Discipline your disappointments
How do you keep pressing on in your job knowing it is not your future?
I was at work the other day, and it was one of those days where everything seems to put you in a state of mind that is not conducive to success. There are a few ideas that keep me going in a situation like that.
1. I know that this job is a stepping stone to other opportunities.
2. This job is only temporary, as long as I keep building my home business.
3. Success is a state of mind. If you asked 1,000 wise men what success is, each would come up with a different definition. If this is the case, and I did the best I could do, did the necessary actions to grow my home based business, I can say, "I am a successs".
4. Life is a process, and success has a process also. In order to succeed, I must 'grow' through the process. KEY: EMBRACE THE PROCESS!
5. When it gets tough, and you get down, discipline yourself and your disappointments. If you are following the plan, using the tools you have found to grow your business, know that you will succeed, if you do not quit.
In closing, I leave you with this thought: In 'THINK AND GROW RICH', Napolean Hill interviewed some of the most successful men over a 25 year period. He was repeated told by many successful men that they had achieved their greatest success, right after their biggest failure! They attributed their ability to "stick to it" as their greatest asset. The Principle here is PERSERVERANCE. This one characteristic will overcome many a obstacle. While many quit after a devastating failure, the successful man knows he will succeed if he persists. That's the way I press on in the face of life.
If you would like to learn how to grow your business on the internet, with no money, without talking to anyone on the phone, from home click the above title. Thank you for your time.
I was at work the other day, and it was one of those days where everything seems to put you in a state of mind that is not conducive to success. There are a few ideas that keep me going in a situation like that.
1. I know that this job is a stepping stone to other opportunities.
2. This job is only temporary, as long as I keep building my home business.
3. Success is a state of mind. If you asked 1,000 wise men what success is, each would come up with a different definition. If this is the case, and I did the best I could do, did the necessary actions to grow my home based business, I can say, "I am a successs".
4. Life is a process, and success has a process also. In order to succeed, I must 'grow' through the process. KEY: EMBRACE THE PROCESS!
5. When it gets tough, and you get down, discipline yourself and your disappointments. If you are following the plan, using the tools you have found to grow your business, know that you will succeed, if you do not quit.
In closing, I leave you with this thought: In 'THINK AND GROW RICH', Napolean Hill interviewed some of the most successful men over a 25 year period. He was repeated told by many successful men that they had achieved their greatest success, right after their biggest failure! They attributed their ability to "stick to it" as their greatest asset. The Principle here is PERSERVERANCE. This one characteristic will overcome many a obstacle. While many quit after a devastating failure, the successful man knows he will succeed if he persists. That's the way I press on in the face of life.
If you would like to learn how to grow your business on the internet, with no money, without talking to anyone on the phone, from home click the above title. Thank you for your time.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Doubts, Fears and Faith
My first thought that comes to mind is, "Doubt bars the way"!
This enemy must be shown the door.
Notice the word, "ENEMY". I have seen this word broken down several ways. For example, the Enemay in-a-me, or by the play on the word, the inner-me. I like this way of looking at the term enemy. Why? Because, it puts the ball back in your hands, so to speak. It empowers you to do something about the inner me. If the inner me is not supporting you in achieving the success you want you need to teach the inner me some new ideas. What in the heck are you talking about? I am talking about the neverending dialogue that goes on in your mind. The enemy that is in-a-you, is the one who speaks of doubt and fear.
What if he was an ally and a friend?
What if he was trained by the best mentors in the world?
Today, I am speaking in general terms about our way of thinking or our philosophy about life. But, in my life I have learned that these habitual ways of thinking (or philosophies) are what determine our success in business, family and in just about every area of life.
Let's change the focus of the subject. Let's look at the opposite of doubt and fear. The opposite could be said to be faith. Faith is another word for belief or trust. It could also be called confidence. Confidence can be defined as trust, boldness, sure of oneself or being certain. So, our next question is, of what can we be certain? We can be certain of only that which is the truth. The fundamental or basic truths about life are what give us the boldness to act. Why are we bold when we know what action to take? Because, we are confident that the laws that govern success are in back of that action and we cannot fail if we apply the principle. A principle is a fundamental truth. It is a truth that all other truths Rest Upon.
In my journey through life I have sought out these truths. I have looked in many directions and in many schools of thought. Guess what? I began to see many of the same truths being repeated over and over again!
I invite you to travel with me on this road of life, and maybe we can share some of the insights we have glimpsed with each other. I try and take these truths and apply them to every aspect of my life. I have noticed that they are just as practical in business as well.
If you are interested in how you can use these principles to increase your income on the internet visit the link included in the title of this post.
This enemy must be shown the door.
Notice the word, "ENEMY". I have seen this word broken down several ways. For example, the Enemay in-a-me, or by the play on the word, the inner-me. I like this way of looking at the term enemy. Why? Because, it puts the ball back in your hands, so to speak. It empowers you to do something about the inner me. If the inner me is not supporting you in achieving the success you want you need to teach the inner me some new ideas. What in the heck are you talking about? I am talking about the neverending dialogue that goes on in your mind. The enemy that is in-a-you, is the one who speaks of doubt and fear.
What if he was an ally and a friend?
What if he was trained by the best mentors in the world?
Today, I am speaking in general terms about our way of thinking or our philosophy about life. But, in my life I have learned that these habitual ways of thinking (or philosophies) are what determine our success in business, family and in just about every area of life.
Let's change the focus of the subject. Let's look at the opposite of doubt and fear. The opposite could be said to be faith. Faith is another word for belief or trust. It could also be called confidence. Confidence can be defined as trust, boldness, sure of oneself or being certain. So, our next question is, of what can we be certain? We can be certain of only that which is the truth. The fundamental or basic truths about life are what give us the boldness to act. Why are we bold when we know what action to take? Because, we are confident that the laws that govern success are in back of that action and we cannot fail if we apply the principle. A principle is a fundamental truth. It is a truth that all other truths Rest Upon.
In my journey through life I have sought out these truths. I have looked in many directions and in many schools of thought. Guess what? I began to see many of the same truths being repeated over and over again!
I invite you to travel with me on this road of life, and maybe we can share some of the insights we have glimpsed with each other. I try and take these truths and apply them to every aspect of my life. I have noticed that they are just as practical in business as well.
If you are interested in how you can use these principles to increase your income on the internet visit the link included in the title of this post.
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